
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

My Favorite New Show (Well, actually, the only new show I've watched in ages...) GRACE AND FRANKIE (A Netflix original) starring Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston.

Those who know me well enough know that I am not in tune with the latest gizmos and gadgets primarily because I generally don't like even the idea of the latest gizmos and gadgets. Or, for that matter, the latest 'anything'. I think most of the details of so-called modern life are just plain silly.

And don't get me started on what passes for entertainment these days.

At any rate, I lately didn't have to bother much about that since I haven't had a TV or the services of cable in several years. But the funny thing that happened is/was that I didn't miss any of it. People missed it for me, but I didn't. I had my computer (a desk top PC) because - call me crazy - I just don't like watching ANYTHING on a screen smaller than your basic desk top. But as time went by I realized I didn't like to sit at my desk and watch movies. I would get impatient and fast forward or just stop the movie and go watch a baseball game. Very little held my interest online except for, maybe, baseball and occasionally, football.

But shows and movies - not so much.

My brother would say that the monitor is the same as having a TV.
'No it isn't' I'd say.
'Yes it is,' he'd say.
Well, I'm sorry, but it kind of is and it kind of isn't.
 'Make believe,' he'd say as a parting shot.

Anyway, this is my long-winded way of getting to the point of this post.

I've signed up again (for the second or maybe, third time) with Netflix since 'streaming' seems to me to be not as 'silly' as some other things I could mention. Plus I guess I got tired of everyone else raving about shows that I never got to see or films I never got to watch. (The films are still an on-going project. Don't know if I'll EVER get used to watching them online. It is possible that at my age, I just don't have the patience to sit still for two hours and watch anything, but we'll see.)

But turns out I do enjoy watching (some) shows. And I suppose I have a lot of catching up to do if I want to be 'part of the conversation' as Frankie says, on my new favorite show, GRACE AND FRANKIE.

Yes, I'm hooked on GRACE AND FRANKIE after watching about five episodes or so.

Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen (whom I adore), and Sam Waterston. I mean, what's not to like?

In case you're not familiar with the basic plot, here it is:

Robert Hanson (Martin Sheen) and Grace Hanson (Jane Fonda) live in San Diego. They have been married for forty years.

Hanson's law partner is Sol Bergstein (Sam Waterston), he and his wife Frankie Bergstein also live in San Diego and have also been married for forty years.

They are all more or less in their 70's. Anyway, one night while the four are at dinner, Robert Hanson informs his wife that he is leaving her to be with Sol whom he wants to marry. Sol informs Frankie that he is leaving her to be with Robert whom he also wants to marry. "We can do that now."

This comes out of the blue for the women, not to mention their grown children who have their own (and less fascinating) problems to deal with. At any rate, it all sounds preposterous, but Sheen and Waterston make it work - their scenes together have warmth and affection reined in a bit by healthy doses of guilt.

I very much like Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin (both are producers of the show) in these 'odd couple' roles. Tomlin plays Frankie as an eccentric ex-hippie mom with two adopted sons (one black, one white) very believably. She is funny but also poignant and goofy and strangely likable. Jane Fonda plays Grace as a bitter, brittle, fashionable and rather typical (I think) California type. (She hasn't had ice cream in fifteen years.) She is less likable, but grows on you as the show progresses. Dealing with their new lives and slowly becoming friends, Grace and Frankie come to realize that in society's eyes, they've become extraneous. They are 'invisible women'.

As happens so often when marriages break up, Grace has lately been dumped by her supposed 'best friend' of many years - at a funeral, no less. She and Frankie need each other and luckily, they have an ocean beach house (which belongs to both couples) to share. (Hey, none of this would be fun if they were poor.)

Events happen at a rather rapid pace since this is a television show and things have to be kept moving I suppose, but so far I've enjoyed what I've watched (and it's possible that the act of streaming unintentionally increases the apparent pace of what happens in the shows).

I like the addition of Craig T. Nelson lately to the cast and am hoping that Ernie Hudson has not been written off.

Yeah, it's gimmicky, but you know Martin Sheen can make just about anything work. He is one of the last of the old time actors working today who has undeniable 'presence' (not to mention acting brilliance) and that counts for a lot.

So yes I guess I'm hooked on GRACE AND FRANKIE. At least, for now.


  1. Yvette, I'm surprised that I haven't heard of this show in spite of a terrific cast. I like Lily Tomlin, too, though I have not see any of her films or shows in recent years.

    1. Well, now you have heard of it, Prashant. :) So no excuses. It's a good show worth looking for if it becomes available in your neck of the woods.

  2. If I were to give in to the "new TV" and subscribe to a service I'd watch this religiously. I just wait for certain cable TV shows (ORPHAN BLACK, PENNY DREADFUL and others) to be released on DVD and watch them that way. I think Netflix is doing this as well. (Not sure about the Amazon produced shows.) They advertise a lot of cable shows and Amazon and Netflix shows on regular ol' TV and we saw an ad for this show recently. Plus I've heard Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda talk about it on some talk show a while ago. It looks like a lot of fun.

    1. I know, I know, John - I resisted as long as I could. But you're still resisting so more power to you. :) I've heard of ORPHAN BLACK but it's not on Netflix streaming, so I'll have to wait until it shows up somewhere cheap. Ha!
      The show is not, I think, meant to be hysterically funny and it isn't - but it's amusing and touching with an occasional laugh out loud moment. I love the relationships.

  3. Replies
    1. Glad you did, Patti. And I'm glad the show's been renewed. :)

  4. Ah, now I think this is on the UK version of Netflix - yay! Thanks Yvette, shall seek it out this evening when I get home.

    1. Oh good, Sergio. Hooray for Brit Netflix! :) Let us know how you liked it.

  5. I love this show, too. It's funny, it's intelligent, it's relatable, especially for those of us over a certain age. Unfortunately, I've binge watched both seasons. Why can't there be new episodes every week - forever?!

    1. Ha! I know what you mean, Joan. I'm still on the first season (I think) so I still have many episodes to go. I watch about two a night - can't seem to stay up late anymore. But at least there's going to be a THIRD season and maybe a fourth - who knows?

  6. Yvette – Thanks for the review. Sounds like a good one. And what a great cast. I will look for it.

    1. I hope you get a chance to watch it, Elgin. It's a fun show. Yes, the casting is FABULOUS.

  7. I had heard of this show but I did not know it also had Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston. I may have to try it now.

    1. Oh, definitely. For my money, they make the show. But then, I am a Martin Sheen devotee. :) I also love Lily Tomlin's wardrobe.

  8. I feel just as you do. How about the new cars that drive you. No way for me. I have to control that wheel. I saw that on Netflix and now I see the CAST*** WOW !!
    have to see it. Thanks for the heads up, back to yard work, I oil paint when it rains.Hugs to you Dear one

    1. Hugs right back at you, m'dear. I hope you're doing well these hot days of summer. I think you'll love this show, Yvonne.

  9. I've heard this show is very good and also have been Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin on TV together on a talk show. It's like watching The Bickersons. I was surprised, but it's that way.
    I'm getting the dvd's from Netflix as I do not like watching TV shows or movies on my computer screen. So, the first season's dvd's are on my queue.
    One other suggestion: Lily Tomlin stars in Grandma, a good film, funny, but also serious, too. She is terrific. I got that on dvd from Netflix.

    1. Thanks for the film tip, Kathy. I'll see if my library has it. Lily Tomlin's wardrobe in the show is worth the price of admission. :) And I love Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston as a couple. :)

  10. I want to see this so much. It's on my Netflix queue, so I'll get it soon. Love Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda and the guys.

    Have seen Tomlin and Fonda on TV talk shows talking up the show, but they were like the Bickersons. I was surprised, but that's how they were. Funny.

  11. I've only seen the first season, but I so enjoyed it. Such a tender story (and treatment of the characters, too, I'd say).

    I haven't had cable in 12 years, but I do love Netflix and Hulu. :)

    1. Hi Picky, welcome back. :) I haven't had cable in years either - but I joined Netflix (re-joined I should say) this month and am having fun streaming.

  12. I saw that on Netflix, now I am going to watch it, for sure.
    You are right about talent and entertainment these days all (KILLING AND HORROR) no more Fred Astare. I want to smile and think good things. SICK of the violence. Bad enough it is for real in Florida. Hope they send his wife to jail, she knew and could have had him committed.

    1. Oh, certainly, if what I read in the papers is true, his wife deserves to go to jail unless she has a VERY good reason for her behavior. She might just have been frightened to death of him. That happens. Let me know if you watch Grace and Frankie. I think you'll like it.

  13. I think the Florida shooter's wife was dominated, controlled and abused, and thus, terrified of him. He had abused his first wife. And he didn't allow his second wife to see her family, a sign of an abuser. She had to raise money and sneak off to see her dying father in a hospital.


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