
Friday, June 3, 2016

Friday Forgotten (or Overlooked) Book: DEATH BY A HONEYBEE by Abigail Keam

Surprise! This is not a vintage read, but one I sort of stumbled across on my booky perambulations online. In fact, I read it on my Kindle so I must have downloaded it when it was nicely (and cheaply) priced - that's when I'll take a chance on a book by an author I've never heard of before. I mean, who can resist just paying a buck or two?

I liked this debut mystery a lot and went on to read the next two in the series. (In my view, the first and second books are the best so far). And yes, it does sound like a cozy, but I'd call it more of a cozy on steroids.

Josiah Reynolds is the heroine of the piece - yes, she is a she named Josiah (not quite clear but I think it's mentioned that this is some sort of family name, but I found it confusing at first) and she is a crusty Southern lady of about fifty. The book's action takes place in and around the colorful horse haven of Lexington, Kentucky. Part of the charm of these books is the local color,  not to mention the various eccentrics who populate this unique area of the country. The author gets the ambience just right, I think. (Or at least as we imagine Lexington, Kentucky might be.)

A beekeeper struggling to make ends meet, Josiah sells honey at the local Farmer's Market, though she is by no means, indigent. She lives in an architecturally historic house filled with art which she refuses to sell and thus, it's hard not to feel that she's just a bit too stubborn for her own good. 'The Butterfly' is the remarkable creation of her ex-husband, an architect who left Josiah for a younger woman and has since died - the husband, not the girlfriend. In the meantime, said girlfriend has reaped all the financial benefits, but Josiah - at least - got to keep the house and the art. And to keep on keeping it, she needs to make a living.

Josiah is the type of person who doesn't sit still when she's threatened, she is feisty and sarcastic and faces the world with a pugnacious attitude which serves her well in this first mystery of the series. When a man with whom she has been feuding is found dead among Josiah's beehives, she naturally enough becomes the obvious suspect in the murder.

The author gives us the usual supply of colorful friends and enemies who pop in and out as Josiah sets out to find a killer. There's also an added bit of mystery attached to a grown daughter who seems to be some sort of kick-ass mucky-muck in a stealthy armed forces group. She shows up now and then to do for her mother, when she's not traveling the world trouble-spot to trouble-spot.

I know this set-up sounds a bit cozy and I also know that for some of you that is the kiss of death, but honestly, this didn't read much like one (not that there's anything wrong with that). Josiah doesn't seem to me, to be the everyday run-of-the-mill cozy heroine, she is irascible and confrontational and the book ends in a doozy of a cliff-hanger. Plus there is the added attraction (at least for me) of lots of interesting lore about bees, creatures which I have always found fascinating.

Since this is Friday, don't forget to check in at author Patti Abbott's blog, Pattinase, to see what other forgotten or overlooked books other bloggers are talking about today.


  1. Even the names sound vintage and it sounds like an interesting read.

    1. I thought it was interesting, MYstica. I liked all the bee lore too.

  2. I quite like the idea of a cozy on steroids! Thanks for this Yvette, sounds great!

    1. You're welcome, Sergio. Are you a cozy reader? I can't remember. At any rate, this is worth a look if you happen across it. :)

  3. Yvette, I picked this up a long time ago for free on Kindle. I started it once but couldn't get into it. I'll try again someday!

    1. That's how I read it too, Peggy Ann. It was on my Kindle for while too. I liked it. But not every book appeals to every reader as we know.

  4. I read this a couple of years ago - found it when I was searching for inexpensive Kindle content for a "bee" themed reading month.

    I agree that "cozy on steroids" is an appropriate description, but I didn't care for Abigail. Her house & friendships sounded contrived, and she seemed to be being rough-edged for the sake of being so. Plus, I didn't think the mystery was that big of a deal.

    Oh, well, something for everybody :-)

    1. You mean, 'Josiah' - right? Yeah, she's rough around the edges. The house thing, yeah, a bit contrived, but what the heck, I still got caught up in the story.

    2. Oops - did mean 'Josiah'. I certainly have nothing against the author.

  5. This was sounding quite interesting, in spite of the fact I don't read much in the cozy vein, but the mention of the book ending with a cliffhanger puts me off. I like books to END, not trail off into the beginning of the next one. I don't mind a little foreshadowing, but cliffhangers, unless movie serials or books in duololgies or trilogies that I know going in with have a certain number of books to tell the story, put me off. Still, I love characters like this.

    1. Try it, Richard, you might be surprised. The first two books can be read as one book, I suppose, though there are two mysteries. I don't mind cliff hangers though I wouldn't want them as a steady diet. :)

  6. Yvette, this sounds good. I like the location and an irascible heroine (and 50). I don't usually like cliffhangers though.

    1. A 50 year old heroine AND she has a 'thing' for a younger man. I can say no more. :) I will say say, even if you don't like cliff hangers, give this one a try. Do the first two books together.

  7. I must have bought this for my Kindle when you did. I, like you, usually only buy new authors when they're offered at a very low price. Based on your review, I'll have to move this to the top of my Kindle library so I don't forget it's there.

    1. Yes, sometimes I forget too. This one came as a nice surprise. You just never know what's going to catch your attention. Especially when you have a lot of books to read. It's always hit or miss with me. :)

  8. "Cozy on steroids" might be just what it takes to lure me in.

    1. As I mentioned to Joan, you just never know. That's what's fun about reading. Discovering something you had no idea was going to appeal. :)


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