
Friday, January 15, 2016

I'm Moving!!

Racey Helps - via

Okay, here's the news: As you know, over the holidays, I was away visiting my daughter and her family in North Carolina. I had thought about moving down to be closer to my grandchildren (and my daughter and her husband) but I figured it would take a while. I was thinking maybe in a year or so. After all it's a big move and I'm an old dinosaur.

But lo and behold, a nice unit (last one left) in a Senior Housing building (part of a gorgeous new development) suddenly was there for the taking. Brian (my son-in-law) and I happened to walk in (just to get information), heard the rent, saw the apartment (Brian said, "We'll take it!" as he crossed the threshold) and rushed out to get the required paperwork in order. We drove back to the house, Brian did some computer razzle-dazzle, then we ran back to the development, signed the lease and lo and behold, I'm moving to N.C. in five weeks.

No 'ifs, ands or buts' - the chance came and I took it. You know how they say that half of life is just showing up? Well, here's proof of it. Thanks to Brian and Skye, I'm headin' South.

You're never too old for a new adventure.

As to why I haven't been posting lately, well just got back a week ago and I've been packing ever since. I'll be packing (and down-sizing) for the next few weeks so the blog will just have to get along without me. You know what an ordeal packing up to move can be, so please bear with me.

I have a post for Wednesday (something I'd been working on before I left) and then for the rest of the time until the Big Move, it will have to be hit or miss.

In case you're wondering, I'm thrilled to be moving.

Wish me luck, my friends, I can hardly believe this is happening.


  1. Yvette, I'm so happy for you! I'm lucky enough to have my sons and grandkids in the same city with me -- now you will have the fun and intimacy of being so close! Congratulations on your new place!

    1. Thanks, Becky! You ARE lucky to be so close to your family. The older I get, the more important family becomes. I guess that's always the way.

  2. Best of luck with your relocation, Yvette!

  3. Good luck, Yvette, it certainly sounds like a great adventure. I hope the packing goes well, it's can be a difficult task.

    1. Packing is the pits, Lyn! Ha! But I'm getting rid of a lot of stuff too, so that's kind of energizing.

  4. That is the best way to make a big move, Yvette! No over thinking, and no doubts--just do it! I think you will be very happy living close to your family and so will they! Very happy for you!

    1. Thank you, Pat. I'm very happy too. :) Sometimes in life you just have to take the plunge. And at my age, this is about as big a plunge as any. (Though I have a friend my age who is joining the Peace Corps. so maybe that qualifies as a bigger plunge. Ha.) I love the whole area down there, it has most of everything that I require including a public library within walking distance. And a Barnes and Noble is just a short bus trip away. I mean, what more can you want? Ha.

  5. Dear Yvette - that's the way to do it. Wonderful news, the apartment was obviously sitting there waiting just for you.
    Good luck, I shall look forward to hearing all about your new adventures when you have moved and settled in.

    1. Thanks, Rosemary. Yes, that's a great way of looking at it: the apartment was there waiting for me. Yes. I'll have lots to write about, I'm sure. :)

  6. So very glad you'll be closer to your family. You're right, you're never too old for a new adventure. We'll all look forward, I'm sure, to your tales of the great event and your new life.

    1. Oh don't encourage me, Jacqueline. HA! Where Yvette goes excitement follows. I love that I'm going to be closer to my family and will get a chance to see my grandkids more often.

  7. I've moved many times...the packing, downsizing, etc. is no fun, will be wonderful when you get there and settled in. We will be patiently waiting for you to return on a regular basis. We are all happy for you I'm sure.

    1. Thanks, Gram. Moving is one of the more disruptive events in a lifetime - I know, I, too, have moved often in the past. But not lately. So I'm looking forward to it and dreading it all at the same time.

  8. I am very glad for you, and I can hardly wait for your new posts once you'll be settled down in your new house and once again ready to keep on writing. Good luck with your packing!

    1. Thanks, Isabel. I'll be back on the regular blog beat just as soon as I can.

  9. Congratulations, Yvette! Having just done it I certainly know what your into the next few weeks! I live very close to the North Carolina border now here in TN. and my brother in law lives near Raleigh. Maybe some day we can get together! Email me where in North Carolina your going!

    1. Definitely, Peggy Ann. I would love to get together sometime. We'll practically be neighbors - state to state. :) I'll email you.

  10. Well, I'm quite relieved that you're moving. Because of your long posting absence, I was worrying about you. I think the move sounds wonderful and I love that it is almost spur of the moment. Peggy (from has just moved to Tennessee. Jack and I have been agonizing over whether to move back to our beloved New England, but that would take us farther from family. I wish you all the best and much happiness with your move. I'll wait patiently to read all about your hew home.

    1. Sorry about the long absence, but now I'm back (at least for the moment) and I'll try and check in every now and then. But you know how packing and moving years of stuff can be, I'm sure. LOTS OF WORK!!! Not to worry, I'll soon turn up in N.C. with stories to tell.

      Being close to family is such a lure, Joan. Especially if your family is not that large as mine isn't. My brother and his wife are still in Montclair, but we're hoping that maybe at some point they'll head south too.

      I'll miss NY and I'll always be a New Yorker at heart (though I've lived for many years in N.J.) But needs must. A new day. A new adventure.

  11. Best wishes for a happy move. Always good to be near our kids.

    1. Thanks, Patti. And yes, I agree completely. :)

  12. That's wonderful, Yvette. That is great news, and how fortunate you were that it is all happening so quickly. I look forward to hearing about your progress.

    1. Thanks, Tracy. It's a whirlwind move, that's for sure. :) I'll have stories down the road, I'm sure.

  13. I am SO, SO happy for you. I know how sad you were without your family nearby. Oh, what fun you'll have! Can't wait for photos and stories. Congratulations Yvette!!

    1. Thank you, Nan. No more sad songs for me. :) I am going to have fun - definitely. I know how you love being a grandma and I'm the same way.

  14. Yvette,

    Congrats on things working out so well for you.

    1. Thanks, Fred. I'm one to distrust good fortune, but now I'm determined to be enjoy myself. :)

  15. Hi Yvette,
    How exciting for you to be moving. It all sounds very positive and being near family will be very exciting. Wishing you success and happiness in your new home


    1. Thanks so much, Helen. I just hope I can stand all the excitement. HA!

  16. Moving because you have to can be agony. Moving because you want to seems like it would be much more pleasant. All the best with the move and in your new home.

    1. Thanks, Steve. Yes, you got it right. Moving because you want to is wonderful hard work. But wonderful just the same. :)

  17. Oh Yvette, I am so happy for you. I know you are busy, but where in NC are you
    going. I used to have a place there in Saluda near Littlerock and Hendersonville.
    I wish you All good luck, and may God bless you. yvonne

    1. Thanks so much, Yvonne. I'm going to be in Cornelius, N.C. (Love that name!)

  18. I don't know what happened to my comment, but I'll repeat my oongratulations to you on making this bold move. It'll be hard, but well worth the work and reorientation.

    And it will be such a boon, not only for you, but for your grandchildren who will have the opportunity to grow up with their grandmother nearby.

    What's not to love about this?

    Grit your teeth to get through the hard work and think of the bonuses at the end of the tunnel.

    And then we can read the posts all about your new home, community and how the grandchildren are doing.

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy! Yes, it's worth the hard work. Most definitely. I am so excited and so looking forward to the move. (Well, the actual move will be heavy grunt work, but you know what I mean.)

  19. Dear Yvette - I do wish you luck, but then you already sound as though you're very lucky — to be in the right place at the right time, and to have a wonderful family. Best wishes on the move!

    1. Yes, Mark. I can hardly believe my luck. Thanks for the good wishes.

  20. Congratulations and best wishes! I am chomping at the bit to make a similar move; I want to do it before I need to do it. Does that make sense? Anyway, I just stumbled upon your blog, enjoyed your year-end wrap-up of reading (your latest posting), and I look forward to visiting again. Enjoy your move to and your new home in NC.

    1. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. If you think it's time, R.T. Then it's time. That's how I look at it. I'm so tired of cold snowy winters (not that N.J. is the worst when it comes to snow) and I know I'm going to like living where winter isn't so bad. (Well, except for the blizzard headed their way at the moment. Ha!) Mostly I'm looking forward to being nearer my family. Plus the amenities at my new place are wonderful.

  21. That's great, Yvette! I'm happy for you. Best of luck for a smooth relocation.

  22. I bet you won't miss those New Jersey winters! Good luck and be safe in these coming weeks. And I'll take any books you want to get rid of. Some of them may even be ones I gave you. :^)

    1. Definitely will not miss the cold winters, John. Though the blizzard heading towards the East Coast is going to hit the Carolinas harder than it will hit N.J. Go figure. As for the books, I'll keep that in mind for sure.

  23. Amenities? That sounds even better. What's not to like with amenities?
    Especially as one gets older, everything helps.

  24. Does anyone know if Yvette made the move successfully and is settled in?

    1. Hi Kathy, yes all is well. I posted my first post since the move where all is explained. More or less. :)


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