
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday Salon: The Many Guises of Santa

Vintage Illustration via

Vintage illustrationvia

Anne Yvonne Gilbert - via

Susan Mitchell - via

Gennady Spirin - via

Haddon Sunblom - via

Inge Look - via

Lisi Martin - via

Andre Francois - via

William Joyce - 'Santa Calls' - via

Raymond Briggs 'Father Christmas' - via

J.C. Leyendecker - Saturday Evening Post 

Edward Sorel - via

Ina Hattenhauer - via

I love these Santas in all their guises by all these artists in all these different styles.

This is my last post of the year - Rocky and I will be away for the holidays, visiting with family. This coming week will be devoted to cleaning, packing, wrapping and last minute shopping. When I return, stay tuned for my Favorite Books of 2015.

In the meantime, MERRY CHRISTMAS and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, m'dears.


  1. Yvette,

    a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours.

    1. Thanks, Fred. Same back to you. Hope it's a great one.

  2. Enjoy a wonderful Christmas.

    Ha! I knew Briggs was going to show up.

    1. Oh, of course, Pat. :) Love his work. And thanks, you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year as well.

  3. I love these images and covers and, of course, Christmas too. What a wonderful season!

    1. I agree with you one hundred percent, Prashant. :) It's the best time of the year.

  4. Yvette, this is such a beautiful post, I love them all. Didn't know Leydendecker
    did a cover for the Saturday Evening Post, but I do remember the art work. You and Rocky have a very Merry Christmas with your family. You must be excited. I love the new Header too. See you next year and maybe for real, if I get to Boston.Yvonne

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. Leyendecker did many covers for the Sat. Evening Post. Check them out online. You'll be amazed.

      Merry Christmas to you and your family too, Yvonne. Have a wonderful holiday.

      Who knows what next year may bring. :)

  5. Have a great Christmas Yvette and a smashing new year too. Love, Sergio

    1. Thanks, Sergio. And the same to you and your family as well, m'dear.

  6. And have a wonderful holiday, too, dear friend. Patti

  7. Have a great Christmas with your family and best wishes for a happy, healthy new year with lots of great books and movies.

  8. I love all the New Yorker covers, holidays and regular days ;) A very Merry Christmastoyou and your family! Enjoy your beautiful grandchildren. Happy and healthy 2016!



  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Yvette!

  10. What wonderful images. I especially like the Anne Yvonne Gilbert one with Santa and the cats. I once had a big, furry, grey Maine Coon cat, just like the ones in the picture.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  11. Yvette, Happy 2016. Wishing for you a healthy, safe, warm and happy New Year.

  12. Happy holidays and a healthy, happy new year with good books and movies.

    I just watched a movie recommended by you, "The Clouded Yellow." Very good. Saw it at
    There is a slew of movies at that blog going back decades. It was a delight to find it, but I'll spend my life watching those movies.

    There is a movie that you have suggested a few times but said it's rarely posted online. Does it have "World's Fair" in the title? I can't remember it.

    Best to you and your family.

  13. Yvette, love the header on your post, love the post and love you.
    Have a Prosperous 2016 be healthy , Happy and sending lots of love. yvonne

  14. Hope you had a great time during the holidays. Happy New year yvette. Hope you watched the State of the Union speech. It was very good. yvonne

  15. Yvette are you OK? Don't mean to be a pest, but we (your readers) all love you, and it is worrying when we don't hear from you in a while.
    If it's just a holiday thing, don't bother replying, relax, enjoy your break ... "talk" to you soon.

  16. Thanks, everyone! Best wishes to all of you for the New Year and always. I had a fabulous time visiting family over the holidays and now that I'm back I'm in the middle of a huge undertaking - more about it in my new post. So, not to worry, tinpot, I'm fine. Just extraordinarily busy. Stay tuned. :) But thanks for checking in.

  17. Great to hear you had a wonderful time.

    How is the family doing, especially the little ones? Did they have fun?

    1. Thanks, Kathy. The family is fine. The kids had a blast. Boy did they have fun. :)


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