
Monday, July 9, 2012

A Favorite Quote

Childe Hassam

"The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."
Eden Phillpotts
Note: Don't know who Eden Phillpots was/is, but this quote is enough for me to say: I want to find out.


  1. Gosh! That quote is so right on target. Yes, the universe is waiting for we mere mortals to discover all it has to offer.

  2. Love this quote and the accompanying picture

  3. Eden Phillpotts was author of several detective and crime novels as well as numerous mainstream novels throughout the early to mid-20th century. His writing career spanned the late 1890s to the end of the 1950s! No real series characters, but he had a trilogy with a woman named Avis Bryden who is descended from a family of witches. Among his crime and supernatural novels THE RED REDMAYNES and THE VOICE FROM THE DARK are two I particulary enjoyed. FOUND DROWNED is also a very good pure detective novel. Additional trivia: Philppotts is said to have been one of the few writers who gave Agatha Christie encouragement in her early career. He in fact urged her to write THE MSYTERIOUS AFFAIR AT STYLES when she was discussing it with him prior to the acutal writing. So we have him to thank for helping to inspire the Grand Dame herself into a brilliant career.

  4. Love the quotes AND the name "Eden Phillpots." If today was all about me changing my name, I could go for that!

  5. Thanks, Lucy. It's a lovely quote and Childe Hassam is one of my favorite American painters.

  6. Oh John, thanks so much for the info. I had no clue that Phillpots wrote mysteries - been too busy to check him out, but I meant to.

    How wonderful that he encouraged Agatha Christie! I do thank him, then and now. :)

    I'm going to see if I can find any mysteries written by him.

  7. Sparkle - me too! LOVE the name. Quirky name for a man - Eden. I like it.

    We could make today 'changing my name day' anyway. Ha!

  8. A beautiful image and a great quotation. It is a more eloquent way of saying one of my own favorite quotes (from Louis Pasteur), "Chance favors the prepared mind."

  9. My initial reaction was: the universe has a long wait. :)

    I like the Louis Pasteur one too.


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