
Saturday, July 7, 2012


Alfred, Alma and Patricia Hitchcock out for a walk with the doggies.

....being hosted by Dorian at her wonderful film blog, TALES OF THE EASILY DISTRACTED and Becky Barnes at her equally wonderful film blog, CLASSIC BECKY's BRAIN FOOD.

Don't forget to check in and see what other fabulous films other fabulous bloggers are dishing about from July 7th through the 13th.

THE BEST HITCHCOCK FILMS THAT HITCHCOCK NEVER MADE. It's a mouthful, but you'll get the hang of it.

I'll be talking this coming Tuesday about director Richard Thorpe's ABOVE SUSPICION starring Fred MacMurray and Joan Crawford, based on the very suspenseful book by Helen MacInnes.

Stay tuned.

(Don't you just love the Hitchcock family photo? Couldn't find the photographer's credit, though.)

Oh, and belated Happy Birthday good wishes to Patricia Hitchcock who is, I believe, 84 this month.


  1. Yvette, beaucoup thanks for helping me and my ever-awesome co-host Becky Barnes to spread the good word about our BEST HITCHCOCK MOVIES THAT HITCHCOCK NEVER MADE! You're a sugar-bowl with two handles (a high compliment here at Team B HQ)! By the way, for those whose fingers are getting tired from typing our Blogathon's full-tilt title, feel free to use the short and snappy version our delightful fellow bloggers from True Classics came up with: "Not-Hitchcock Blogathon"! :-)

    I absolutely LOVE that sweet picture of the Hitchcock family on their walk! What a little cutie-pie Pat was (and still is, if you ask me)! I'm so glad you found and posted it; thanks so much! Also, I'm all excited to read your ABOVE SUSPICION review on Overlooked Tuesday -- but we'd never overlook you. my friend! :-) Thanks again!

  2. Oh I'm blushing, Dorian. SUCH praise. A sugar-bowl with two handles - HA! Love it.

    I kind of do resemble a sugar bowl with two handles, now that I think on it. But with one boob. HAHA!!!

    As I never tire of saying, m'dear, you're a sweetie!

    You're also very welcome. :)

  3. One of my favorite movies! I need to find a copy of the book. Sounds like a fun blogathon.

  4. Can't wait for the review of "Above Suspicion" tomorrow.

  5. One of mine too, Lauren. The book is actually easy enough to find. Helen MacInnes was quite popular back in the day and wrote many books.

  6. You won't have long to wait, now, Kathy. :)


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