
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting...or Two.....or Three!

This is the one that made me gasp out loud.

I don't usually feature contemporary artists on Saturday Salon, but today I'm making an exception. Christine Lafuente's paintings bowled me over at first glance. I mean, I gasped. That's the way certain art affects me sometimes. I love when that happens.

 Lafuente's technique is astonishingly good. How she manages to control it, I can't guess. But the mystery of it is part of the charm. The way she handles her brush strokes, paint so thickly applied and vivacious. It looks random but I know it can't be. The depth and intensity of her color choices dazzle me. There's nothing about her still life work I don't like.

If I could I would collect the originals. Yes, I am definitely smitten. This is contemporary art that speaks to me.

Christine Lafuente is an American painter who studied at Bryn Mawr College, The Bradford Foundation and the Pennsylvania School of Fine Arts. To learn more about this talented artist, please use this link which, in turn, will lead you to other links.

Christine Lafuente


  1. These paintings are delicious! I want to have piece #8 for lunch!

  2. I love these paintings too - there is a fresh jewel-like quality to them, and they feel like Spring.

  3. Gosh, these are glorious!
    Thank you, Yvette.


  4. Yvette, I'm always impressed and intrigued by the art you choose for your Saturday Salons, and I must say Christine Lafuente's work especially intrigued me. For some reason, I was particularly taken by the still life of the bathroom and its details, right down to the slats (is that the right word?) in the sink's drain. Details like that always catch my eye. Thanks for sharing Lafuente's remarkable art!

  5. Hi, Yvette - These are lovely paintings - Christine Lafuente's color choices follow my own rule of thumb, that colors should appear edible. I think Sparkle Farkle is picking up on that, too!

  6. Oh, that's the perfect word, Sparkle. Delicious.

    These are the sorts of paintings I could atare at for hours. Well, maybe not hours, but a long time.

    There's a hypnotic quality to them.

  7. I agree Rosemary. Jewels they are. Her sense of color is superb.

  8. mjoy! You're more than welcome, m'dear. I'm so glad you like them as much as I do.

  9. Yeah, that sink painting is incredible. Who knew that light would break up into so many colors on an ordinary bathroom sink?

    Who else but Lafruent could glamorize it so? Brilliant.

  10. Oh, I agree, Mark. Colors should appear delicious AND luscious. At least in my view. I also love when I discover a new artist whose work is swoon-worthy. :)

  11. I love these paintings, love them. They seem bold and delicate at the same time. Miss Lafuente has transformed even a sink into a vision of light and color. Wonderful.

  12. I know, Eve. I feel exactly the same way. I am going to see about finding some inexpensive prints of her work. If they exist. But even just viewing her paintings on line is a total pleasure.

  13. And she even looks like someone you'd like to know.

  14. Yvette - if you find a source for her prints, please let me know - - thanks!

  15. Absolutely, Patti. She teaches in workshops occasionally, I believe. But I would be too intimidated by her talent.

  16. Will do, Eve. I'll look around.


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