
Monday, March 12, 2012

200,000 Hits and Counting!

Art by the incomparable J.C. Leyendecker.

(Jeez, I feel like a hitman keeping score.)

I checked my blog stats today and was amazed to see that in so many words... has amassed over 200,000 page views. Now this seems incredible to me since I've only been blogging for a little under two years. I began mid-2010. (Though the google overseer thinks I began in Jan. Not so.)

I'm thinking maybe google blogger is counting my own views, the fussing I do every day on my blog. I pressed the button on the stats page to stop my views being counted, but, you never know. I can hardly believe that 200,000 people across the world are that interested in anything I have to say about anything. I mean, really.

But they count the mistaken hits too, so the crop of them are probably people on google searching for who knows what and stumbling across me by accident. Hopefully those who do, look around and stay awhile.

Be that as it may, I am very pleased.

And who am I to thank for all this?

Why you, of course. It is a verifiable truth that I could not have done it without you. A goopy cliche but that doesn't make it not true. It's your encouragement that keeps me going even on days when I feel like the hangiest dog that ever hanged. Even when I'm down in the dumps or feeling out of sorts with the universe, you guys cheer me up.

Your comments, emails and just general neighborly-ness make me feel there's a reason to keep going on with this blogging thing. Here's the secret: blogging can be a lot of fun - if you don't let it take over your life. When I start feeling the pressure, I take a step back and slow down. I always said that when blogging stopped being fun, I'd stop. Well, it hasn't, so I haven't.

You guys make me keep on keeping on. So for that and for many other things, I thank you today with all my heart.


  1. Hello Yvette:
    Many, many congratulations on reaching this most impressive total in so short a period of time.

    You do yourself a great disservice by writing that you have little of value to say. It is absolutely remarkable to us that you consistently maintain such a high standard in your posts and cover such an intriguing and well researched variety of topics. Every visit to you is more than worthwhile. The Blogosphere is richer for your presence.

    Statistics which always amuse us are the search words through which people have found one's blog. One really does wonder at times how they did arrive when one looks at what they were searching for!!!!

  2. And I thank you for expanding my knowledge every time I stop in! Plus, your enthusiastic spirit is contagious.

  3. Congratulations!

    This blog has so much to say and contributes so much to so many readers.

    I check in a few times a day and my day is brightened by the movie and book reviews, lists, Saturday Salon, poems, adages, birthday commemorations (to Jackie Robinson and Charles Dickens, for two), the items on character actors, dog news and just general commentary on life.

    Talk about being blue! I turn that shade when I don't have time in a day to read this wonderful blog. It really brightens my day.

    Take time off when the blog becomes "work," and just do it when it's fun.

    We'll patiently wait for the gems.

    I must say the commenters here are great and so much they say is interesting.

    So, congratulations on the 200,000 hits. I'm just sorry that I missed some blogs before I had the fortune to find this blog.

    There's so much to enjoy and now that spring is coming, the grass, flowers and sun will be glorious, lots more will make our days.

  4. Yvette: Congratulations. I drop by almost every day and am confident most of your page views are from persons who keep coming back to the blog.

  5. Congratulations, Yvette! Your blog is a great mixture of movies, books and inspiring art, and I think you've hit upon a very good formula with all that. I always look forward to your Saturday art choices, you remind me of movies worth re-viewing, and mention books new and old to add to my list of must-reads. Thanks for your many good posts!

  6. Yvette, few blogs are as worthy as yours to receive so many hits. Congratulations!

  7. Jane and Lance, thank you so much for the warmth you've always shown me even in the days when we were 'strangers'. I appreciate the kind words very much.

    Yeah, I do wonder sometimes, who and what on earth are they looking for and has google gone nutso?

  8. Thank you, Nan, what a nice thing to say. It really lifts my spirits. :)

  9. Kathy, you've been with me through thick and thin and believe me I really do appreciate your comments and your loyalty. :)

    And I truly do appreciate all the cheerleading you do. :)

  10. Bill - from your lips to God's ears. I'd hate to think it's only me building up the hits. Ha!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I like to think we've all become a little community. :)

  11. Oh Mark, I'm blushing. Thank you so much for finding my blog and continuing to drop in and leaving comments. I wasn't sure that I should diversify when I first began the blog, but really, I'm a diversified kind of gal. I wouldn't know how to talk about just one theme or topic.

    But it seems to have worked out nicely. :)

  12. Thanks, Becky! I'm feeling well and truly appreciated. It's nice. :)

  13. Congratulations Yvette

    I am so very very happy. Here's to many more thousands and thousands of hits and followers.

  14. Congratulations! As I have said before, your blog is everything I want my blog to be (wishful thinking but it could happen!).

    My blog has been around for about a year now and has had 5,898 visits. Not too good, not too bad. Just like my blog! ;-)

  15. Yvette, many congratulations! I hope the page views and hits keep growing, as your wonderful blog deserves top billing. It's an inspiration to all current and future bloggers including myself. Over the past one year, I have learned much from your disciplined and incisive posts on books, movies and art. I have realised that commenting on other blogs, such as your blog, is as much fun as writing on my own. I have a suggestion: Google invites its Bloggers to turn their posts into books and ebooks. I think you should give it a shot, Yvette. All the very best...

  16. Congrats! That is a lot of clicks!! :)

  17. The elegance of your presentation, the thoroughness of your approach to many topics, and the range of topics all help, Yvette...and the networking you do. I suspect your own pageviews are a pretty small fraction of your hitrate unless you've been labratting your browser!

    I hope the audience appreciation helps make up for the work you put in, at least...

  18. Congratulations, Yvette! I enjoy your blog very much. It's a wonderful combination of books and movies and bits of your life. You and I have similar tastes in books and movies, so I'm always interested in your reviews and suggestions.

    I also like when you post paintings and highlight artists. Some I know and love and some are new to me.

    Favorite bloggers are like long-distance friends and it's clear you have a lot of friends!

  19. Thank you, Neer. I am thrilled just to have lasted this long. :)

  20. Thanks so much, Willow, but this is all a very big surprise to me, let me tell you. I also have a lot more free time than many of you younger bloggers who must fit things in around your work and busy households.

  21. Thank you for your kind words, Prashant. You have been one of my most loyal and consistant boosters.
    It is truly appreciated, believe me. I like to tell people that I have a friend who lives in India. :)

    I don't know about the book thing because of copywrite issues, but still, it's worth thinking about.

  22. Thanks, Skye! Yeah, hard to believe. :)

  23. Thank you Todd, I've learned two new words just from your comment alone. You always manage to teach me something. :)

    I do work hard and it pleases me to be appreciated. :)

  24. Thanks, Joan. Yes, I think we do have similar tastes. It's great when one finds a blog that features the same sort of things one might be interested in in 'real life'. That's key, I think.

    Long distance friends. Absolutely.
    That's the best part of blogging.

  25. Congratulations, Yvette! Your blog is very informative and enjoyable and I'm sure yiu have many, many, happy readers like myself!

  26. Thanks, Pat. To tell the truth, the more I think about all those 'hits' the more I think it is preposterous. The total has to be wrong.

    But it's nice to think about. :)

  27. Congratulations

    Have you looked at where your readers are coming from- that might give you more of an idea if they're flukes or not!


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