
Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday's Forgotten Books: FLEA MARKET FIDOS (2002) The Dish On Dog Junk and Canine Collectibles by Barri Leiner and Marie Moss

I confess, this is not really a totally forgotten book - at least I don't think it is - but it's one of my favorites so I decided today was a good day to talk about it. (Just in case you never heard of it.)

Friday's Forgotten Books is the weekly meme hosted by Patti at her blog, PATTINASE. Don't forget to check the link to learn what forgotten books other bloggers are talking about today.

Since I am, by nature, a pack rat and love to collect assorted odds and ends, you are right in assuming that I collect ' junk and canine collectibles.'  So, FLEA MARKET FIDOS was written for someone exactly like me.

The book is a perfect 8 1/4" square, just the right size and beautifully designed with wonderful photos, some by Aimee Herring . The photos - mostly in color - are of dog items, paintings, figurines, assorted doggie doodads, dog shaped cast iron doorstops which are priced out of reach at the moment and anything else dog-related you can think of. There are even charming pix in the book of adorable real dogs - dogs who belong both to attendees and flea market dealers.

I used to collect prints of Scottish Terriers, but not so much at the moment - my budget won't allow it. But I still enjoy looking at pix of Scottish Terrier collectibles. For many years I lived with a Scottish Terrier named Spike and I just love the breed.

FLEA MARKET FIDOS has a few pages on Scottish Terrier stuff as well as other breeds, but terriers seem to be very popular - they show up on needlepoint pillows, tins, trays, boxes, hair brushes, salt and pepper shakers - you name it. Different types of terriers have always been popular, especially West-highland Whites. But other breeds are collectible too, bull dogs, hunting dogs and Jack Russells, to name a few.

In truth, anything with a dog on it has extra cachet as far as collectors are concerned.

There's a section on Lucy Dawson's charming dog prints. Every time I see one I want to grab it. They are just wonderful. (Dawson sometimes signed her work as Mac.)

Anything dog related is collectible even if it's just a decal on an old canister or a few stitches on a tea towel. Slap a dog on it and someone will buy it. And why not? What's better than a dog? (Well, for you cat lovers out there - cats collectibles are popular too.)

What a pleasure it is to leaf through FLEA MARKET FIDOS - it's a book that charms and always makes me smile.

Barri Leiner and Marie Moss also have another sweety book in the mix: FLEA MARKET BABIES. And I've just now found out they plan yet another: FLEA MARKET FLOWERS. I have a suspicion both of these will find their way onto my book shelves.


  1. Yvette; what a delightful picture/drawing. West Highland Terriers, or Westies aka, and we used to call them Scottie dogs :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Dave: Yes, I love terriers. Of course right now I'm living with a chihuahhua. Ha. There's no accounting for taste. :)

  4. Yvette, I think that your Rocky has lots of taste. He has found a good owner, hasn't he. :) Of course:-)

  5. Yvette, Flea Market Fidos looks and sounds delightful! And that is coming from a cat lover!

  6. Anonymous: I'm glad we agree that Rocky has excellent taste. :)

  7. It's such a treat of a book, Becky. Maybe they'll do a cat version one of these days. :)

  8. of course Rocky has good taste:) He chose the BEST!!!!! and when I think of a " pirate" Captain Jack , WOW. Have a great day on this gray and damp day!! Judy


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