
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fashion in Film Blogathon: Top Ten + Male Icons of Film Fashion.

This is my second entry in Angela's HOLLYWOOD REVUE Fashion in Film Blogathon which kicks off today, Saturday, September 24th.  Check out the links over at Angela's HOLLYWOOD REVIEW to see what film fashion choices other movie mavens are talking about today.

With this entry I celebrate ten + males in films whose costumes have become iconic.

Unfortunately very few design credits exist for men's costumes in earlier films.


Basil Rathbone in deerstalker hat and caped wool country coat. This costume instantly says, Sherlock Holmes, detective.

Charlie Chaplin in baggie pants and bowler as The Little Tramp. One of the most recognizable costumes in movie history.

Rudolph Valentino as the Sheik and son of the Sheik. Fantasy desert chieftain par excellence.

White tie and tails were invented for Fred Astaire. He made sophistication easy.

Trench coat and fedora. Perfectly straightforward detective wear. Bogart was born to it.

Speaking of born to it. No one could wear a loin-cloth quite like Johnny Weissmuller as Tarzan. An exceedingly simple costume, but highly effective.

Yul Brynner in black from head-to-toe for THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN. The gunslinger of myth.

The hat. The whip. The leather jacket. Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones typified the rugged, adventurous, if somewhat grungy, hero.
Costume design by Deborah Nadoolman.

Now when we think 'pirate' we think - Captain Jack Sparrow brought to life by Johnny Depp.
Costume design by: Penny Rose.

The perfect Regency gentleman. Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.
Costume design by Dinah Collin.

Honorable Mention:

Dustin Hoffman as TOOTSIE. Who says a man can't wear red sequins?
Costume design by Ruth Morley.


  1. yay for the boys! Glad you added a few heartbreakers (and Tootsie!).

  2. FlickChick: Can't leave the boys out. They love a flashy fashion mention now and again as well. :)

  3. Great list! Nice to see the men get some attention, too! Thanks again for contributing!

  4. Angela: Thanks for having this BLOGATHON! What a great idea! It was so much fun to work up these posts.

  5. Excellent, a post about the guys. And I like that you gave us such a broad range from pirate wear to Sherlock Holmes.

  6. Thanks, Rachel. Who says men's fashion is boring? Not me. :)

  7. Great list! And I love that you included Colin Firth and Dustin Hoffman.

  8. Great post. I definitely agree that Bogie was born for detective wear

  9. sittinonabackyardfence: How could I not include them? :)

    Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Meredith: Thanks. Yes, he was the 1940's American detective personified.

  11. Some wonderful choices-- and I always say that swimmers have the best bodies. I've never seen anyone look better in a loincloth than Johnny!

  12. Cathy: He was pretty special all right. :)

    Loved him in those early Tarzan movies.....sigh!

  13. Yvette, thanks for the comment on my post about Esther Williams!
    You've listed great men in really nice outfit. My favorites are Humphrey Bogart and Fred Astaire. Tootsie was really funny :)

  14. Fun list! It is really easy to overlook men's costuming in favor of the gals. You've definitely featured some icons in your list. What is evening wear without Fred Astaire?

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  15. Le: Both favorites of mine as well. :)

    Thanks for stopping by. This was such a fun blogathon.

  16. Lauren: Thanks. Any weekend where it doesn't rain is a great weekend. :)

    Men can be just as decorative as women - at least in my view. ;)

  17. LOL to the Tootsie photo :)

    You know, men's fashion hasn't changed overly much, I think it's really the way men present themselves through clothing has.

    I mean suits and hats and coats are still available, it just seems people are too lazy (men and women) to dress up and look nice!

    Also-love love love Basil as Sherlock

  18. Jessica: I am a big Basil/Sherlock fan myself. I even bought a deerstalker hat when I went to England many years ago. :)

    I definitely agree that people don't dress themselves up as much as they used to. I miss those days.


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