
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday: Quote of the Day

Of all days, the day on which one has not laughed is surely the most wasted.

Chamfort, Maxims et Pensees, 1805.

(Don't have a source for the photo.)


  1. This is true. If things are so bleak that one cannot laugh, it is a bleak day indeed.

    I even found myself laughing today at the Devil-Dog from Hell whom I dealt with on Sunday, barking, howling, whining while I cleaned up a colossal mess she left me, and running around my ankles in circles in a frenzy.

    Yesterday, she was fine, and we took two good walks, and she was very well behaved.

    I had to give her back last night and missed her today.

    But it's beautiful out, spring has sprung, flowers are blooming, good books are in my hand.

    And I bought Fer-de-Lance at Partners and Crime. A good day.

  2. Kathy: Dogs just have days when they want to rumpus. Ha!

    The thing about dogs is, mostly, they appear to be happy for no reason other than just being happy. One reason why I love them.

    Fer-De-Lance. Back to the very beginning. :)


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