
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to get back to commenting on your blog.

Thanks to my techno-brilliant daughter, here's how to fix at least one of the Google Blogger failures some of have been faced with for the past couple of days. Use this link to go to Skye's blog - the easy to follow instructions are right there. Instructions for Fixing Comment Snafu.

Hope this helps.

Unfortunately, I still can't seem to completely sign in or sign out of my blog - I'm in a kind of limbo-land. I have to enter my blog through a back door to do anything. But at least I can comment now.


  1. Hooray! Hooray! Thanks a million to you for sharing this and to your brilliant daughter for being smart enough to identify the problem! Why couldn't Blogger let us know on the HELP page how to do this instead of leaving everyone stranded?! Like you, it's not completely solved as I'm still not signed in the right way, but at least I can communicate with my readers! You're the best!

  2. You're welcome, Joanne. Glad we were able to be of service. :)

    Yeah, you'd think Google would let us know, but I think it's sink or swim time with them.

  3. thanks so much to you and your daughter!

  4. You're more than welcome, Bev. :)

  5. I've made an interesting little discovery....if I go into my blog through Mozilla instead of Explorer I seem to be able log in just fine.

    Bizarre. Unfortunately, I do not have Mozilla on my laptop (need to fix that) and that's where I do most of my blogging. My middle still doesn't like sitting up at a desk top for long periods of time.

  6. Bev: Not familiar with Mozilla. I don't like to change anything without my daughter's permission. Whenever I do, I get into trouble. :)

    I'll ask her.


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