
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Salon: This and That

Just in case you missed the first episode in the new incarnation of UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS, it's available on the PBS website. Link. I haven't seen it yet, but already I'm of two minds about it. (Hence my hesitation in watching.) I have such wonderful memories of the original show. This new version can only disappoint in comparison. The way to watch is, I suppose, by purposely NOT recalling the original. Is that possible? That house is full of ghosts.

Thanks again to my school librarian friend Jean in Colorado who sent me a copy of LEVIATHAN by Scott Westerfield. I am reading it and loving it. This is a book that had been lurking on the periphery of my vision for awhile, since it kept showing up here and there on various blogs. I am not, normally a big fan of YA fiction, but since Jean sent me the book, it hopped, skipped and jumped up the TBR pile and am I glad. It is terrific! And I am loving the fabulous illustrations! Book review coming up tomorrow. If this hasn't been bought for the movies, I can't imagine what they're waiting for.

Sunday usually means baseball around here. I've been a fan since I was a kid. Although why that should be, I can't imagine. The Brooklyn Dodgers used to break my heart regularly. And now the NY Mets are playing so abominably that it is a downright embarrassment to be a fan. They've just lost two double-headers in a row. TWO! How deflating. How miserable. How ridiculous. As I asked on my Facebook page and continue to ask: When will this torment end?? And of course, the team I dislike intensely, the Yankees, continues to win. There is NO justice! (Despite that, don't you love this vintage baseball illustration from the 50's? Don't have a source for the artist.)

I love this painting: Sunday, Women Drying Their Hair, but I have no artist source. If you know who it is, please let me know. In the meantime, this is such a wonderful image of a once upon a time slice of NYC life. (I've been informed by fellow blogger, Rainette, that the artist is John Sloan (1871 - 1951). Good to know, thanks very much. Merci beaucoup.)


  1. Bonjour Yvette,
    C'Est John Sloan (American, 1871–1951)

    je l'ai trouvé en gougoulant. Je ne connaissais pas, très très beau !

  2. Bonjour, Rainette, merci pour le nom de John Sloan. (Did I get that right? I don't speak French much, read a little. But I love having the chance to practise!) Oui, c'est beau.

  3. Yes it's perfect. My english is so-so so.....

  4. Ha! My French is worse. That's why I haven't commented on your beautiful blog. Merci, Rainette, pour les commentaires sur mon blog. :)

  5. The painting is very nice, a good mood just sweeps over one when looking at it, nostalgia perhaps for NYC years ago.

    Yes, I agree on the Dodgers, having been a Brooklyn Dodgers fan -- actually, my entire family was -- and disliking the Yankees since I was a child.

    And disappointment with the Mets, sort of. I watch Mets' fans deflate every year.

    I don't watch baseball much, but when I do, there's passion like no other. At a neighbor's a few years ago, we were watching a baseball game with the Mets. Someone hit a home run, we all jumped up yelling, and the dog barked and chased the cat (it was his fault, you see).

  6. Of course, Kathy, it's ALWAYS the cat's fault. Didn't you know that? HA!

  7. I thought that painting looked familiar and I was just starting to remember where I think I saw it, when Rainette beat me to it. There was an exhibit of John Sloan's paintings at a museum in Wilmington, DE, several years ago. I believe this painting was part of that exhibit. Lots of cityscapes from the early to mid-1900s.

    That museum, and it's name escapes me, probably something obvious like the Wilmington Museum of Art, also has a big collection of Howard Pyle's art, an artist and illustrator I've always liked. Such drama and romance and swashbuckling.

  8. Joan: I've been researching some of John Sloan's work and liking it all very much. LOVE his cityscapes! I'm also a big fan of Howard Pyle's work. I've featured his paintings before and will again. Also more of Sloan. :)


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