
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday Salon: A Favorite Painting

Since Easter is coming, this painting, IN A GARDEN, by Edmund C. Tarbell seemed appropriate - note the hats! My favorite is that little 'panama' on the young woman on the right. Very fetching. I'd wear that. Maybe. The red one is an atrocity. But hey, it's Spring. Time for exuberance. (Not that you'd know it around here - had to wear a winter coat this morning to walk Rocky.) I love the quiet vitality in this painting and long for a warm day when I, too, can sit outside.

Edmund C. Tarbell (1862 - 1938) was an American Impressionist born in Massachusetts. Many of his paintings depict his wife and four children and/or family friends. Read an overview of Tarbell at this link.


  1. Who knows if the hat WAS bright red or he just wanted a spot of contrast. I suppose art can be just as fictional as books :)

  2. Could have been orange, for all we know. Anything's possible.I think that's a feather sticking up otherwise. It reminds me of something the Mad Hatter would have worn. Ha!

  3. What are they talking about, I wonder.

  4. Babies, probably. Note the baby on the middle lady's lap. I didn't notice the baby until I'd seen the painting several times. :-)

  5. Ryan: Is that a pun or a typo?? Ha!

  6. One of my great regrets in life is that I look stupid in hats. My mother could carry it off-in one of my favorite pictures of her she is wearing a fetching hat of pheasant feathers that lapped over the top of her hair. Very fifties, and oh so chic.

  7. Oh, me too, Carol. I look so ridiculous in a hat. And I LOVE them. My daughter now, she has a great hat head. Hats, if you can wear 'em, are the ultimate chic. Absolutely.

  8. LOL...typo....I get typing too fast and I never look back.


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