
Monday, February 7, 2011

Brian Jacques, creator of REDWALL, has died.

Just read this sad news on The Book Case blog. You know, 71 isn't old. I am forever perplexed why certain nasty types continue to live to ripe old ages, and guys whose only business is to create wonderful fiction, get taken sooner. I know, I know, it's NOT SUPPOSED TO MAKE ANY SENSE, but it rankles anyway. I read a couple of the books in the brilliant REDWALL series only within the last few years. I have MOSSFLOWER right here, someone gave it to me. I hope, eventually to read the whole amazing work.

R.I.P. Brian Jacques.


  1. This makes me sad. My daughters and I read every one up through the 10th or so (they got too old)imitating the accent all the way through. They continue as young adults to reread them over and over. If you have not read Mariel of Redwall, you must. And then imagine two little girls running around a house for months with lengths of knotted rope around their waists, prepared to whack any gulls who dared appear. So much influence on their self images came from Mr Jacques. We even met him once and got his autograph. My 22-year-old was dazzled for a week. Me too. What a legacy though.

  2. Healigan: I will definitely add that title to my list. I can't wait to introduce these books to my granddaughter! The books he left behind will live forever.

  3. This is one of the few series that my mostly non-reader son devoured. Such a loss to the writing world!

  4. I'm so very sorry to hear this. His work was such a part of this family's life.

  5. Bev: I know. It's terrible news. Last week it was Ariana Franklin, now Brian Jacques. The literary world has certainly been diminished no question.

  6. Nan: I read REDWALL as an adult and loved it. I'm now going to buckle down and read a few of the others in the series, in between my other reading. Sad days.


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