
Monday, February 7, 2011

In Honor of Brian Jacques: A Few Titles from the Redwall Series

In honor of Brian Jacques' passing, I'm posting a few of the covers from his wonderful REDWALL series of books for young and old. Most of the books are illustrated by Pete Lyon and Eric Chalk though Brian Jacques had a hand in the designing of the covers and had approval of all sketches. Author Jacques was a visionary who created a world onto itself. A world that, fortunately, we can continue to visit whenever we like. The creator of Redwall Abbey is gone now, but the stories will live forever.

I found REDWALL, MOSSFLOWER and THE OUTCAST OF REDWALL on my shelves. I've read Redwall, now the other two will move over to the TBR pile in the living room where I am organizing what I'll be reading within the next couple of months. I'd like to read MARIEL OF REDWALL and several of the other titles as well. Will there ever be enough time for me to read everything I'd like? Moving all these books around, trying to make some semblance of rhyme or reason out of the stacks makes me feel as if I'm just trying to hold back a wall of water. But I persevere.


  1. I was really sorry to hear of Mr. Jacques' death. My daughters read all of the Redwall series several years ago and still have them on their bookshelves ready to be passed on to their own children someday.

  2. I have three copies from the Redwall series on my shelves, Pam. I first read REDWALL as an adult and loved it. I'm going to save some of these books for my granddaughter. :)

  3. I have a Redwall book somewhere though I have never read it. I must dig it out and get on with it. Thnak you for the prompt.

  4. Oh, you should definitely read it. It's wonderful.


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