
Monday, December 20, 2010

MORE Christmas Decorations At My House - continued

Thought I'd be able to post these pix yesterday to go with the pix I posted on Saturday, but the day got away from me, so I'm posting them today (a beautiful Monday with the sun shining and the cold winds blowing) instead. No snow so far in New Jersey - THANK goodness!

And here's Rocky looking very dubious about the whole thing.


  1. Yvette, your home looks divinely festive and inviting! How long does it take you to do this?! Thank you so much for sharing.


  2. mjoy: Glad to see you dropping by again. Thanks for the kind words. Actually it doesn't take me that long since I do basically the same sort of thing every year. I have a chest of drawers in my entryway where I keep all the smaller and more fragile decorations, so it's hop skip and jump to take them out every year. Truth be known, I sometimes keep a few of the decorations out all year. Certainly in the kitchen. I'm a big lover or red and green, that's for sure. :)

  3. You are a lady of taste to be sure. Lovely decorations and very nice blog as well!

  4. Ordinary Reader: Thank you so much. Kind words just spur me on to do better and better.

  5. Funny picture of Rocky! He looks like "Why are you wrapping me in this thinggggg?!" ..."Well, it is pretty warm I suppose..."

  6. Skye: I just put that round his neck for the photo. He was not happy about it. Ha!

  7. Oh my gosh, is that your room - the one with the books on the table and the bookshelves?? I just love it. It is perfect. I want to be sitting there. Do you use the fireplace?

  8. That's my living room, Nan. Though mostly it's a living room/library/studio combo. Ha! As you can tell I love to be surrounded by stuff, books mainly. Unfortunately, the black marble fireplace has iron grillwork (very Victorian looking) over the hearth and has never worked. I wish it were otherwise, that's for sure.

    Glad you liked it. :) Have a great Christmas, Nan!


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