
Monday, December 20, 2010

Aurelio Zen BBC series with Rufus Sewell

News of a BBC Mystery series: The Aurelio Zen books, set in Italy, by the late Michael Dibdin, have been turned into a television series (three films so far) starring the gorgeous Rufus Sewell as Zen. Italian scenery and Rufus Sewell - what could be better? Read more about it here.

I'm assuming Netflix will have the episodes at some point. I'm more familiar with Donna Leon's series of books set in Italy, but maybe this new tv series will push me over to the Zen side.


  1. He's more than a pretty face but an incredible actor too you know !

  2. Yes, we know. He's the real deal. It ought to be a wonderful series.

  3. Love Rufus Sewell--going to have to check this out.

  4. Lisa: Yes, I think it's going to be a good one.
    Did you ever see Rufus in COLD COMFORT FARM? He was great in the sci-fi film, DARK CITY, too. ;)


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