
Monday, December 5, 2016

Marshall Browne (1935 - 2014)

I was terribly saddened to read about the death of Marshall Browne, an Australian author whose books I love. Though he died two years ago, I've just learned about it in an email from his daughter letting me know of his passing and also that a book of his which was in its final editing stages has been published - one of Browne's Inspector Anders series, so there is that to look forward to. 

(INSPECTOR ANDERS AND THE PRAGUE DOSSIER is currently in Australian bookstores.)

I never did understand why Marshall Browne's books were not more readily available here in this country. But whenever I got my hands on one it was a happy day. I treasure his two Franz Schmidt novels, THE EYE OF THE ABYSS and THE IRON HEART. Both classic WWII spy novels and much more approachable than John Le Carre's work, far as I'm concerned. Browne's work has emotion, something definitely lacking in many spy novels. And he was unmatched in establishing a sense of dread. 

I've read and reread both of these novels over the years and can't recommend them highly enough. THE IRON HEART though, is especially tough to find in this country. But do try. Begin with THE EYE OF THE ABYSS which is occasionally available.  

Marshall Browne and I exchanged several emails a few years ago when he was kind enough to thank me for a review and when I lamented that I couldn't find a copy of THE IRON HEART (the second Franz Schmidt novel), he very kindly sent me one all the way from Australia! Authors are often the nicest people.

My review of THE WOODEN LEG OF INSPECTOR ANDERS which appeared directly on author Patricia Abbott's blog, Pattinase, way back when in 2010. (You have to scroll down a bit, I couldn't isolate the link.)

Browne had hinted at a third Franz Schmidt book, but it was not to be. But a fourth Inspector Anders novel is wonderful news. The first Inspector Anders book was titled, THE WOODEN LEG OF INSPECTOR ANDERS (one of the all time great book titles ever conceived - far as I'm concerned) and well worth looking for as are the other two in the series. And now there will be a fourth - great news.

The Inspector Anders books were my introduction to Marshall Browne's work and I was thrilled with my discovery of this talented author. I only wish his books had gotten to be better known in this country so that he would have gotten the literary stardom and appreciation he deserved.

Link to obituary from the Sydney Morning Herald.


  1. I went to my library web site and found two Inspector Anders books and also The Eye of the Abyss. I am looking forward to reading them. Thanks.

    1. THE EYE OF THE ABYSS is a classic, far as I'm concerned. And two Inspector Anders - wow. You are lucky. I hope you enjoy these, Gram. Please let me know how you get on with them.

  2. I do remember your review of The Iron Heart. It does look like the books are not easy to find but I am sure I can find used copies. I will look around for some.

    1. I hope you can find a copy or two, Tracy. I think THE EYE OF THE ABYSS is the easiest one to find of the two Franz Schmidt books. And you can occasionally find an Inspector Anders book. I'd look THE WOODEN LEG OF INSPECTOR ANDERS which is the first one. I've seen it about.

  3. We always think the world is small now until we see the books we never heard of.

    1. There's always another book, another author to discover. Thank goodness. :)

  4. Hi, I discovered Mr. Browne from your blog, and will be forever grateful! I just love the books I've read so far. I was lucky enough to get a copy of the first two Det. Anders books, and Eye of the Abyss. I cannot find a copy of The Iron Heart anywhere on Earth. I've tried Australia and UK, and every where I can think of here in US. I'm also trying to get my hands on a copy of the third Det. Anders, but so far no luck. Thank you so much for writing about him.

    1. Hi Kitty, I'm so glad you discovered Marshall Browne but I'm sorry you haven't been able to find THE IRON HEART. It's really a shame how his books seem to be unavailable. I can't understand it at all. Maybe if you write to the publisher direct. THE IRON HEART was published by William Heinemann - an Australian publishing house. My copy of THE EYE OF THE ABYSS was lost during my recent move and I'm heartbroken. Now I have to begin to look around for an affordable copy.

  5. Yvette, I haven't come across Marshall Browne's books but I will continue to look out for them. I love reading "classic WWII spy novels" which have an old-world charm about them.

    1. Then you would love THE EYE OF THE ABYSS and THE IRON HEART, Prashant. Who knows - they may turn up sometime on one your of your book-buying jaunts.

  6. Yvette, has several copies of The Wooden Leg for under five dollars.
    I read it many years ago.

  7. It must be a great feeling
    to know you are leaving something behind.
    That you will be remembered. That is so
    nice he answered you. Happy Holidays Yvette

    1. I was thrilled to exchange emails with Marshall Browne, Yvonne. A very nice man and a wonderful writer. I've found, over the years, that most writers will reply if you email them with something real - not just fan praise. Writers live on forever in their books, that's for sure.

      Happy HOlidays to you as well, m'dear. We're in for a rocky four years

  8. I shall look into his work. So many of the books I read are by older authors I've just happened to hear of. And sadly, most of the authors are dead. So nice that you were in touch with him.

    1. I really enjoy his books, Nan. But as I mentioned, authors do live on in their work. So in a way, they are immortal. Like painters.

      I would not have been able to read THE IRON HEART if Browne hadn't sent it to me - it's a kindness I'll always remember. Especially since shipping costs from Australia are not cheap. Such a nice man.


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