
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Could have been worse...!

The famous umbrella scene from Hitchcock's FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT. Not one of my favorite films, but this is definitely a brilliant scene. And perfectly apt for today's Irene Weekend. (Without the assassination of a peace delegate.)

Fortunately we've only had manageable rain and wind so far. Lost power last night for a couple of hours. But other than that, all is well, at least on my block. Rocky hates the rain and refuses to do his ablutions outside, but hey, nobody's perfect.


  1. Yvette,

    Glad to hear you didn't have any major problems with Hurricane Irene.

  2. Yvette,

    I live in Tucson, and we could have used an inch or two of that rain out here.

  3. Glad for your area that it was a minor inconvenience. Can't say I blame Rocky a bit about his distaste for outside business during hurricanes! :)

  4. Glad you're safe! We were glad not to live on the east coast for once!

  5. Fred: If only we could harness the rain and ship it over to Arizona. :)

  6. Joanne: Yeah, I don't blame him either. :)

    My town was lucky.

  7. Lauren: My town is in the higher elevations. I'm convinced we escape a lot of this sort of thing because of it. So far so good.

  8. Glad to hear you're okay, Yvette!!!

  9. Brilliant illustration of your post, and it is good to hear that you are safe.

    I am not much of a film person, but even I acknowledge Hitchcock´s genious :)

  10. Good to hear that all was well for you during Irene! She seemed to get a little quieter as the storm progressed up the coast - which is always good!

  11. And ship down some of the weather from the Arctic or Antarctic during July and August.

  12. Bev: I'm fine, kiddo! There's still a bit of wind around, but nothing much to talk about. Not everyone in NJ was this lucky though.

  13. Dorte: Thanks! Yes, I'me fine. I was fortunate.

    Even though I don't love this particular movie, I love this scene. :)

  14. Natalie: She still packed a wallop though. I hate to think what could have happened had she NOT slowed down. Some of the towns around here were hit pretty hard.

  15. Glad Irene was benevolent. She was in a nasty mood elsewhere. And you've got power! Hope that continues to be the case.

  16. Oops. Posted before I left my name.

  17. Yvette, while I like FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT more than you did (chiefly due to Joel McCrea, Robert Benchley, and George Sanders :-)), and I love your choice of the FC umbrella scene for your post, I did NOT like this weekend's Hurricane Irene weather, but we were lucky enough to be safe indoors, with only a handful of power hits (Vinnie has a back-up generator for his computers, thank goodness! :-)). Glad you and yours are now safe and well, all things considered, and I trust Rocky has dried off by now! :-)

  18. Oh Rocky wanted to stay outside despite the wind. It's the rain he hates.

    We were all very fortunate.

    Glad to hear we all made it through the weekend. :)

  19. Carol: Yes, my daughter and her hubby and daughter were not as lucky. They had to go to a hotel. No power. But they're healthy and in good shape. That's what counts.

  20. Glad to hear you survived Irene unscathed!

  21. Irene was so bad for a lot of people, and I'm glad you were not one of them, Yvette. I love your title! You may have seen on my email signature thing that it is similar to my life motto (my funny one, that is)... "Could be worse ... could be raining!" From Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks. I'm going to have that carved on my tombstone. Funny and so true of life itself!

  22. Lisa: Relatively speaking, yes. Except my basement. See 'Damage Report.' Oh well, as Becky says: could have been raining.

    Oh wait, it was!


  23. Becky: I know that's your motto. It always makes me laugh.

    Well, the basement is flooded, so that's the bad part.

    The good part: The water wasn't high enough to reach the main floor of the house.

    I am SUCH a goody two shoes. HA!


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