
Saturday, August 11, 2018

F.Y.I. If you're a Michael Innes fan (or wannabe a fan), pay attention...

Michael Innes (1906 - 1994)

What kind of fan-girl would I be if I didn't shout to the world that a whole bunch of Michael Innes books are currently available as part of the Kindle Unlimited program Amazon has going on. Remember I told you that if you join you get the first month free then it's 10 bucks per month and you can cancel anytime for any reason - you know how that goes. But here's the thing, if you were going to buy say, two or three Kindle books in any given month, then do the math. It's totally worth the ten bucks.

Okay not every book on Amazon is part of the program (and titles come and go that's why it's best to strike while the iron is hot - so to speak) but enough are that it's worth it to me to sign on for now. And guess what - there are lots and lots of golden age mysteries currently available. 

At any rate, it's MICHAEL INNES, for goodness' sake. I've read almost all of Innes' books and I've mentioned about a million times that I'm a HUGE fan-girl. But if you're still not familiar with Innes or are intrigued but haven't been able to find his books or whatever - HERE'S YOUR CHANCE!!! 

Just thought I'd let you know and no I do not get a penny from Amazon for my unabashed enthusiasm for Kindle Unlimited. 

By the way, K.U. is how I'm currently going through my George Bellairs fixation.

P.S. Yes, yes, I know we would ALL love to have the actual hardcover (or paperback) books in our hands instead of just the electronic version, but sometimes these older almost forgotten writers are not available that readily. So to my mind, e-books are better than nothing. It's one way to remember and enjoy the work of these guys.


  1. i'm pretty sure i've read all of Innes but this sounds like a great deal, especially the golden oldies... i'll look into it... tx...

    1. It's definitely worth a look, Mudpuddle. I probably won't keep it up indefinitely, but for now, I'm liking the whole idea.

    2. i signed up but couldn't get the books to download onto my kindle, so i had to quit... darn...

    3. I don't get it. Why wouldn't they download? It should work automatically. I have a Kindle Paperwhite. No problems at all with Kindle Unilimited. At least on my end, anyway.

    4. i don't know: Mrs. M thought it might be because our computer is an Apple, so it didn't have the necessary electrons or whatever (she's a lot more tech savvy than me...)

  2. I have read a lot of Innes' books (but don't remember which ones of course). I do plan on reading some now and I have at least 20 on my shelves so just need to pick one and do it. Soonish.


  3. I love Michael Innes. I don't have a Kindle and am grateful that my library system has almost all of the books I ever want to read. My hope to read list is now a book and heading to a tome.

    1. Lucky you if your library has Innes, Gram. If I want to read any of these Golden Agers I have to buy them. One way or another, I'm going to read them. :)

  4. Ebooks are the ONLY ones I read anymore, Yvette. So much easier, and usually cheaper.


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