
Friday, April 13, 2018

The Emails! The Emails! (No, I'm not talking about H.C.)

My email account been down for some time while, behind the scenes, I tried to cope. So if you've emailed me and haven't gotten a response, that's why. At the moment, I can't receive or (naturally enough) respond to emails. I have a temporary yahoo email account but don't want to use it for the blog - at least not until all hope is lost.

At some point my daughter (when she gets a free moment or two) will have to straighten it out. But for now, it's kaput.


  1. Have you tried gmail or Hotmail, Yvette? I have accounts with both. Been having a little trouble of late with Hotmail (Microsoft), which I think has been intentionally giving me trouble so I'll move up to their paid upgrade. They should know that is having just the opposite effect. I can be a stubborn cuss at times! ;)

    1. For some reason, Mathew, my reply to this post showed up below. You know how Google likes to fool around with things now and then. :)

  2. Speaking of your daughter, how are your grandchildren? If I remember correctly, the little one has a birthday soon.

    Your stories and your daughter's blog were so enjoyable with her terrific photographs.

    1. Everyone is fine, Katy, thanks for asking. The grandkids' birthdays are coming up in a couple of weeks. Both in the same month. :) I think Skye has given up blogging for now, she's just too busy though occasionally she'll write a post.

  3. So that's why you didn't respond when I offered you that all expenses paid trip to Hawaii. ;-)

    No email is difficult. Not sure why your email provider isn't helping you solve the problem. I have both a Comcast account and also a gmail one, and though the Comcast is my "usual" account, I find that the gmail account is faster and less troublesome. Re: what Matthew said, above, I'd stay away from Hotmail, which is prone to a lot of spam.

    1. Darn it! I guess I'll never see Hawaii now. :)
      The account that's messed up is my gmail account. My daughter hasn't had time to check it over and so I'm now using a yahoo email account - temporarily I hope. It'll all get straightened out at some point down the line.

  4. It is gmail, Mathew. I have opened a yahoo mail account but I don't like it much. Still, I have to have some sort of email thing.

  5. I decided to read a book by Chester Himes, Cotton Comes to Harlem. The writing is so good, not just the mystery, but about life in Harlem. I'm glad to see his writing paid more attention to now than it has been.

    Would one consider this book, written in 1968 to be a classic?

    1. I can't say, Kathy. I've never read any Chester HInes, though I have heard of him and he's on my list.

  6. Chester Himes' writing is very good. One really feels like on is in Harlem during the period he's discussing.


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