
Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday Salon: Remember When Plane Travel Was Fun?

American Airlines ad, 1949. Good Housekeeping magazine. 

An incident in a recent book got me thinking about once upon a time plane flight.  Of course now it's often just a necessary drudgery. But remember how exciting plane travel could be? Comfortable too, with stewardesses and stewards to see to your every need. And seats like banquettes with small tables and other comfortable accoutrements. The man in the top poster looks as if he's sitting on a wicker chair (!?) Remember dressing up to fly? Remember walking onto the actual tarmac to board the plane? Outside! Those were the days.

And look at these gorgeous travel posters. Yesterday's graphics were often works of art in and of themselves, even if they were only advertising not meant to last forever.

Artwork by American illustrator Harold Anderson. (1894 - 1973)

Designer: Tom Purvis. Imperial Airways 1931.


  1. I love those posters, Yvette. I was always afraid to fly, even though my first husband was a pilot. I still like airports although you can't do anything in them now unless you are flying.

    1. I'm not keen on flying either, Tracy. :) I do love watching planes land and take off when I get the chance which is not very often. Yeah, these posters make it all seem like SUCH fun.

  2. Really very wonderful posters and ads, Yvette, I went through them three times, savoring each. Ah, the good old days, eh? I don't fly any more, to difficult, expensive, uncomfortable, trying. But back in those days...

    1. I love travel posters but I don't fly anymore either, Rick, for the same reasons. The last time I flew it was really not very pleasant at all and the landing back in NY was bumpy. Who needs that? :)

  3. i remember flying in that style and it WAS fun... we quit, tho, when the security business got so intimidating... great pictures: takes me back...

    1. Yeah, what a pain in the butt. On my next to last flight I was singled out at security for wanding. NOTHING in my pockets but tissues and keys, but you know how that goes.

  4. Even in the 70's it was fun to fly. Champagne served free, and meals too. The last time I flew was awful in the airport, but the Airline - now out of business - was fun. I had pre-ordered my lunch and had wine to go with. The airports were such a hassle that I do not want to every fly again, saying that I hope there is not an emergency where I must. Love the posters!

    1. Last time I flew was early in this century. Ugh. But you're right even in the 70's it was still fun. I have such nostalgia about Pan-Am and TWA. I still can't believe they couldn't stay in business.

  5. Gorgeous posters, Yvette. Back when only the rich could afford to fly, and the inside of planes looked like the ritziest of trains - but in the air.

    1. I never did understand how they kept all those little tables and dinner plates from flying around during turbulence. :) The farthest back that I can remember flying is around 1960 or so.

  6. What nice posters! A bit of nostalgia.

    My family took trains back and forth to NYC when we lived in Chicago. Now that was fun. Or else my parents drove. No flying.

    But we did fly to Mexico in 1965. I recall that was exciting.

    And then I flew to California in about 1970, which was fine. In 1980 or 1981, my partner and I flew to Florida to take in Disney World and many other landmarks. A lot of fun but too hot for me in specific areas as Sanibel Island.

    But on the flight to Florida, we were both nervous, especially him, so a lot of alcohol was consumed. However, I haven't flown since then and am a teetotaler so some events are a thing of the past.

    People who travel by air have so many complaints now -- the security searches, the cramped space, the long lines, the charges on snacks, and the lack of civility by airlines -- so it doesn't seem worth it if one can travel another way.

    1. It is only worth it if you have to be somewhere fast. That's it. I can't imagine any other reason for flying. In truth, the way things are going in this country, you might just as well stay put. :)

  7. I'm fascinated by older planes, although I once unexpectedly saw a Stealth bomber when I lived near a military air base. Provincetown-Boston Airlines used to fly a DC-3, allegedly one of the safest airplanes ever, from Hyannis to Nantucket. A friend and I made the flight in the late 1980s. I think there was room for about 21 passengers and the windows had little curtains! I love the artwork in old travel posters. It really was a different time for travel and so many things.

    1. I've only traveled by plane a few times in my life, never had to for business except once. So my experience is limited. But I do remember that it used to be much more comfortable and the food wasn't bad and the stewardesses and stewards were actually helpful and pleasant. AND you didn't have to arrive hours and hours before departure. :) My favorite flight was the one we took to England in the 80's. It wasn't glamorous or anything, but it was okay comfortable and the food was fine, that's all I ask. But I hear that British Air has gone downhill now.

  8. "London to Egypt in 57 hours!" Ah yes, those were the days. Such luxury! HA! That must've been EXHAUSTING! But I liked learning about the Imperial Airways "Empire Flying Boats". Reminds me of the time I was reading a Leslie Ford book and learned htat many early airplanes flying international flights had sleeping berths just like trains! I see that some of the airplanes depicted in these posters look exactly like those Air-buses. The two from France showing more "flying=boats" look like they were equipped with sleeping berths. Those Boeing made planes had large fuselages in order to accommodate the beds.

    1. I don't think that was a direct non-stop flight, John. :) Luxury counts when you're in the air for a couple of days, stopping and starting. I love these old airplanes. Once, flying to Florida on my one and only business trip, I had a choice between a jet and propeller plane and I chose the propeller plane. Very comfortable and not sardine like. Had a great time.

  9. Oh, What gorgeous posters! They make flying so glamorous It is a real shame what airline flying has become today.

    1. Yes, I agree. Now it is SO fatiguing and such a chore.


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