
Monday, July 11, 2016

The Blog is Verklempt - for now...

Well, obviously something is wrong with the blog and all my efforts to center things are for nought. I've tried and tried and re-booted and nothing works. So, no further posts from me until this damn thing decides to fix itself. I cannot stand posting things that aren't symmetrical. It's a mania.

In the meantime, I'll be reading and writing and getting ready for the moment when all things shall be righted once again.


  1. I think you're being too fussy. Is the problem that images are flush left rather than centered? If so, I wouldn't have noticed. If not, then what? Looks fine to me in either case.
    Love the art work, btw. Where do you find them?

    1. Probably. But it's my way. HA! I find the art online fairly simply. I either google the artist's name or just check for certain styles, i.e. American Impressionist painters or French, or whatnot. Pinterest is also a great source for finding artists and painters. There are many MANY websites online devoted to art. Happy hunting.

  2. You might just have to write the HTML coding in yourself, if Blogspot isn't introducing it automatically (which seems odd). Have you tried that yet? -- Jeff

    1. Didn't do a thing, Jeff. (Which is just as well because I wouldn't have known how to follow your instructions. You know I'm hopeless, right?) It fixed itself which is my favorite way to let things play out. :)

  3. It looks great to me. Now my blog is dated, tired...

    1. No, no, Patti - never. It's familiarity we look for.

  4. My whole life is verklempt, Sooooo funny I cracked up. You sound Like me.
    I had a carport built and have to have it removed, It's costing me $75 bucks to cut the lawn. I give up.. yvonne

    1. Nah, don't give up, Yvonne. No matter the absurdities, we have to live each day to the fullest we can. With so much craziness out there, each moment is precious. Even if that moment is making you tear out your hair. HA!

  5. Yvette,

    I don't really see any problems.

  6. I'm nt sure what you mean. I moved the gray bar at the bottom to the right and everything was centered.

    1. Sounds good to me, Kathy. Let's pretend it never happened. :)

  7. Replies
    1. Good. That's just the way it should be. :)

  8. I don't see anything wrong with it, Yvette. Looks centered to me.

  9. Good philosophy. Whatever happens and however crazy it is, it's life. It's part of life and a friend told me years ago, "Expect frustration every five minutes." I used to do that, must work on it now.

    Now I want to read books, watch dvd's, sit in a/c and eat frozen yogurt.
    Look at the NY Times, but not t the worst news, and try to watch comedy at night, not news. Want to have pleasant dreams, and not dream about a crazed billionaire with a worse running mate tied to the Koch brothers, and the worst program ever.

    1. Hard not to have waking nightmares with Trump and his equally odious running mate on the loose.


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