
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

In honor of Agatha Christie's 125th Birthday: My 12 Favorite Christie Books.

THE ABC MURDERS (1935) A Hercule Poirot mystery.

CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS (1959) A Hercule Poirot mystery.

DESTINATION UNKNOWN (1954) aka So Many Steps to Death

A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED (1950) A Jane Marple mystery.

MRS. McGINTY'S DEAD (1952) A Hercule Poirot mystery.



MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (1934) aka Murder in the Calais Coach - A Hercule Poirot mystery

CARDS ON THE TABLE (1936) A Hercule Poirot mystery.


4:50 FROM PADDINGTON (1957) A Jane Marple mystery.

THE SECRET OF CHIMNEYS (1925) Introduces Superintendent Battle and Lady Eileen (Bundle) Brent who will both appear in later books.

Rather late in the day, but I didn't get the memo. That is, I didn't realize it was THE birthday until this evening and then I couldn't do ten, had to do twelve. These are the Agatha Christie books I reread most. Though of course they're not the only ones. But these are the titles that seem to turn up on my night table more often than not. I gravitate towards Christie when I'm feeling blue or just out of sorts about everything and need a nice dose of comfortable familiarity. She usually sets me back on track. 


  1. It's been a while since I read an Agatha Christie, so thanks for reminding me. I've just finished the latest Louise Penny / Chief Inspector Gamache mystery (I just love them!), so I'm free to read whichever mystery I choose. I prefer Miss Marple to Poirot, so I think I'll rummage through my stacks / Kindle for one of those.

    1. I've been listening to the Gamache books on audio and loving them more than I do reading them. How's that for curiosity? I have the very latest book reserved (audio library lending) and am looking forward to it. A uniquely wonderful series. As for Dame Agatha, yea, it's time for you to pick one up. :) As for Jane Marple, I do recommend A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED.

  2. I have only read 3 of your favorites... that is, within recent years. I may have read all of them in my early years but don't remember. THE MAN IN THE BROWN SUIT, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS, and SECRET OF CHIMNEYS. Some lovely covers there.

    1. I love these covers too, Tracy. I owned one of them, THE MAN IN THE BROWN SUIT. Do remember that. :) I did leave one out, DEAD MAN'S FOLLY, which would have made 13 and that's not a happy number. Not that I'm superstitious, you understand. :) But in truth, I jump about and have read all the Christies a great number of times. Even CURTAIN, the last Poirot - but I've only read that twice.

  3. Great list Yvette - CAT AMONG THE PIDGEONS is not one that I am that keen on - its been a few years since I last read it though. I would probably substitute ENDLESS NIGHT or FIVE LITTLE PIGS maybe ... Must re-read MAN IN THE BROWN SUIT, its been literally decades and I just don;t remember much about ti at all now!

    1. THE MAN IN THE BROWN SUIT is purely romantic adventure with a plucky heroine. What's not to like? And I love the villain. Christie does a trick here that she would do later and become famous for. CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS has a great BIG major plot hole, but I love it anyway and simply accept the inconsistency. It's the school mystery, the one in which Poirot only enters the story in the last third of the book. ENDLESS NIGHT is not a favorite with me, but I know I'm in the minority. :)

  4. Yvette, my wife has almost the entire collection of Agatha Christie's books that are just waiting there for me to read. I confess to not having read most of them.

    1. Well, what are you waiting for, Prashant? Thankfully, your wife has great taste in mysteries. :)
      Take advantage of it. I'd begin with THE ABC MURDERS or MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS or even, MRS. McGINTY'S DEAD.


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