
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday Salon: Water Music

French painter Paul Signac (1963 - 1935) - Capo di Noli, 1898

American painter Childe Hassam (1859 - 1935)

French painter Robert Antoine Pinchon (1886 - 1943) - via

American Impressionist painter Guy Rose (1867 - 1925) Mist Over Point Lobos

French painter Gustave Caillebotte (1848 - 1894) - via Sunflowers on the Banks of the Seine

English painter Dame Laura Knight (1877 - 1970) - via

American contemporary painter Carol Zimmerman - via

American painter John Singer Sargent (1856 - 1925) - via

American contemporary painter Jennifer Diehl - via

Nice places to be, near the water, in the water, on the water. Especially during these ultra heated days of August. I like to pretend. And here are some wonderful paintings to pretend with. Of course, accompanied by Handel's 'Water Music'.


  1. Replies
    1. Fred, I read somewhere that Handel wrote Water Music over a weekend because he was broke and needed the money. Could this be true? How is such genius to be understood? The answer is: it can't be. Thank God for the music.

    2. Yvette,

      Thank God for the music--I say that regularly.

  2. We've finally had two great summer days in Philly, but the temperatures are climbing back up. Thanks for the cooling paintings to counter the heat!

    1. You're welcome, Joan. It's been hotter than heck here in New Jersey as well. The last couple of days have been beautiful, but I'm afraid the temps are climbing once again. It's not so much the heat, it's the - all together now - HUMIDITY!!! Ugh.

    2. Ah, but it's a dry humidity.

  3. What a glorious combination Yvette - Handlel's Water Music accompanied by a lovely collection of paintings - only half of the painters are familiar to me. You always find such pleasing paintings to showcase for your readers.

    1. Thanks, Rosemary. I try to feature a nice mix of known and lesser known artists as best I can. That's half the fun for me, finding paintings I love and want to share. :)

  4. OH what a treat this morning to see my favorite artists.
    I have 3 books on Sargent and adore Caillebotte, a favorite.
    That Hasson painting looks like a spot in Capri. I have to check out Zimmerman, wow!
    is that a new Header on the blog? Beautiful.
    well is rain in Maine. love yvonne

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. Glad you like my new header. I love Sargent as well as Caillebotte. I have lots of favorites from that era. The hot weather is returning it seems. The slightest humidity and I turn to my air conditioner. Allergies too. GAK!!

  5. Yvette, I'm guessing these lovely paintings are done in water colours too.

    1. Only one that I can tell, Prashant. The one by Sargent. Maybe the Zimmerman - not sure.

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    1. Thanks for dropping by, Harper. I'll take a look at your blog. I like the title: Crimes in the Library.


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