
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday Forgotten (or Overlooked) Film: DANGEROUS CROSSING (1953) starring Jeanne Crain and Michael Rennie

Stumbled across this film on youtube the other day and when I saw the magic name of English actor Michael Rennie, that's all it took. I am a HUGE fan of actor Michael Rennie's cheekbones. I mean, if you remember THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Rennie usually looked as if he had, indeed, come from another world. He was so soothingly charismatic and never quite seemed to mesh within any given cast of any given movie (well, except for the above named one ), and as the future Saint Peter in THE ROBE he was - unintentionally, I'm sure -  super sexy, putting lead actor Richard Burton in the shade. Rennie always stood out in the crowd. As an actor he was quietly unique, elegant, and exceptionally sexy and my dears, those cheekbones. I mean, swoon. Rennie was also, one of my mother's favorite actors, so there's that in his favor as well.

Jeanne Crain and the dangerously suave Michael Rennie

Between you and me, besides the fact that DANGEROUS CROSSING takes place on board a luxury ocean liner and Michael Rennie plays the sympathetic ship's doctor, there is NO other reason to see this movie. Unfortunately Jeanne Crain is spectacularly awful in the part of a young bride whose hubby disappears even before the luggage is unpacked in their stateroom. Her scenes of frantic hysteria border on the laughable, the kiss of death in a supposed thriller. Ms. Crain (ordinarily a decent actress) is so over-the-top that you really do not blame the captain of the ship for wanting to lock her up.

But in a perverse kind of way, it's sort of fun to watch Crain emote, especially alongside the always calm, cool, and collected Michael Rennie.

Willis Bouchey as the harried ship's captain, a man with zero tolerance for loony ladies.

Are you very sure you're married?

DANGEROUS CROSSING is a 1953 film directed by Joseph M. Newman with a screenplay by Leo Townsend based on a radio play by the American mystery writing great, John Dickson Carr. The film co-stars Carl Betz (who went on to play Donna Reed's hubby on the popular Donna Reed Show for years). In this film, Betz oozes with sleaze, cast as the boyish hubby (with a penchant for disappearing) on his honeymoon. (She should have pushed him off the gangplank.)

Carl Betz, so slimy as a young married.

Since this is a thriller of a certain sort, there are almost constant billows of fog, creepy passengers lurking - seemingly concerned with the heroine's flights of hysteria - there's even a passenger with a cane that tip-taps ominously as he walks the deck. Uh-oh.

 (Lots of red herrings crossing the Atlantic on this trip.) There also a very annoying fog horn which blows almost constantly through the night scenes. No wonder the bride is terrified. Jeez.

Searching for hubby in all the wrong places.

If you, like me, are a fan of Michael Rennie's cheekbones (or, for that matter, have a deep appreciation for the sound of foghorns), then you must watch this film, available (for now) on youtube. (See link below.)

Let me tie up your sandals, m'dear.

It is hard not to like a film which is overloaded with shadowy atmospherics and all the action takes place on board a luxury liner AND you get to watch the leading lady and Michael Rennie play shuffleboard and other shipboard games.

PLUS there's a Halloween night dance in which the heroine gets to make an emotional fuss.

DANGEROUS CROSSING's story-line has a slight resemblance to the British classic (at least, classic to me) SO LONG AT THE FAIR which starred the fabulous duo of Jean Simmons and Dirk Bogarde. A marvelous film that I can't recommend highly enough and which, unfortunately, is not available to watch - anywhere. I live mostly on the memories.

John Dickson Carr's radio play, CABIN B-13 on which the screenplay is based, was apparently part of a series of stories in which the ship and the doctor were the only constants. You can learn more about the film, in terms of relevant details and more about the radio productions including a listening link, from Sergio's terrific post at his blog, TIPPING MY FEDORA. I've just realized he wrote about DANGEROUS CROSSING three years ago. 

Since it's Tuesday, don't forget to check in later at Todd Mason's blog, Sweet Freedom, to see what other Forgotten (or Overlooked) Films, Television or Other Audio/Visuals other bloggers are talking about today. 


  1. Thanks for the great referral Yvette, very good of you. I think thsi is a great little movie with great production values. They do have to stretch the plot a bit, but it's all part of the fun. If you ever get the chance, TREACHEROUS CROSSING, the TV Movie remake starring Lindsay Wagner and Angie Dickinson is well worth a look (it's on YouTube, at least for now)

    1. You're welcome, m'dear, glad you're back.I really do think our ages make us view this film from much different viewpoints, but that doesn't necessarily mean I totally disagree with you. I'm contrary that way. :) I will look for the Lindsey Wagner remake. I'm always looking for good movies on youtube.

  2. Gorgeous couple. SO LONG AT THE FAIR was on TCM a few years ago but it disappeared from my DVR list. So sad.

    1. Oh, the ultimate disappearing film, Patti. Such a wonderful film. Too bad it's disappeared from viewing as well.

  3. jeanie was so gorgeous, she was not just a pretty face either. I'll check out, thanks. Well the hot weather is hitting Rockland Maine tomorrow, hot an humid, Gosh I had a windo A/c and gave it away, didn't use it for 2 years. Cool on the coast. Not so this week. PHoofy!

    1. Oh Yvonne, I couldn't live without my air conditioner. Especially this summer. Jeez, it's been hot as hell here in New Jersey. :) Today I didn't even bother taking my little Rocky out for a walk. The intense heat just takes it all out of me. Just awful. At any rate, watch the movie, m'dear and see what you think.

  4. Yvette, did we ever discuss THE THIRD MAN the tv series? There are a few episodes of that on YouTube, as well...with Rennie as a rather more pleasant Harry Lime. Unfortunately, Jonathan Harris hams it up as his assistant in the latter-season episodes, but the Harris-free one with a very young Suzanne Pleshette is eminently worth seeing (again)...were you in NYC in the late '50s? It was one of the NTA Film Network series, when that small network was operating, with WNTA-13 in NYC as their anchor station, before it was sold to the WNED and eventually WNET folks.

    1. I was in NYC in the fifties but there's lots I've forgotten. Though I do remember it was a great time to be growing up in Manhattan. :) I have no memory of watching Michael Rennie in this series, Todd. I will definitely look on youtube. I must have known WNTA, though I was rather young then. Thanks for the info, m'dear.

    2. is the episode with Pleshette, and blessedly w/o Harris.

  5. Quite a good thriller but I agree Jeanne Crain was disappointing.
    So Long at the Fair is available quite cheaply on Amazon UK if you can play Pal discs.
    It's also on You Tube just now.

    1. Thanks again, Vienna for letting me know that the film was on youtube.. I'm thrilled I was able to see it again.

  6. Ah yes, the little thriller that didn't. There is only so much I'll do for Michael Rennie and watch this one again isn't one of them. My favourite Rennie film is watching him steal "Soldier of Fortune" away from Clark Gable and Susan Hayward, two actors not so easy to ignore.

    1. The little thriller that didn't. Ha! And didn't Rennie steal THE ROBE from Burton? Rennie has that otherworldly look down pat. I haven't seen SOLDIER OF FORTUNE in years and years. Must definitely see it again.

  7. I finally got to see one of the other two movies made from Carr murder mystery - THE BURNING COURT a French movie that is fairly true to the original story though, in my opinion, rather a dull movie adaptation. That leaves this and the one that was made from THE EMPEROR'S SNUFF BOX left to watch. This one looks a lot more up my alley. I'm going to download it and watch I later when I get home. Thanks for the review, Yvette!

    1. You're welcome, John. Let me know how you like DANGEROUS CROSSING.. I'll bet you feel the same way I do about it. I might watch it again around Halloween just for the fun of it.


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