
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday Salon: I Thought We'd Stay Inside Today

Contemporary French painter Do Fournier - via

Contemporary American painter Kim English - The Back Room

Danish painter Carl Budtz-Moller (1882 - 1953) - via

Contemporary American painter Paul Schulenburg - via

Irish painter Sir John Lavery (1856 - 1941)- 'The Red Hat' - via

Contemporary South African painter (now living in Carmel, Calif.) Cecilia Rosslee 

Contemporary Greek painter Giorgios Rorris 

Canadian Impressionist painter Helen Gallaway McNicoll (1879 - 1915)

Contemporary French painter Do Fournier - via 

Contemporary American painter Lea Wight 

French painter Edouard Vuillard (1838 - 1940)- via

Contemporary American painter Kenny Harris - more

Canadian Contemporary painter Larry Bracegirdle - 'The House We Stayed In' 

American Contemporary painter Kurt Solmssen 

Contemporary American painter Jon Redmond - The Hotel Room, 2009 - via


  1. I like the theme of your post. It's too hot for me today, so after the farmers market and picking up two vegan cinnamon rolls at the bakery, I'm inside in the a/c for the day. With a nice fat Trollope.

    What a nice array of paintings. I particularly like the one by Kim English. I had to Google the artist to see more paintings. Very nice.

    1. I love the work of Kim English too. I added a link beneath all the paintings, Joan. (I'll double-check to make sure they're working) Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed my post, these are paintings I especially like. Well, they always are. :) Of these all, if I had to pick just one (under extreme duress) I'd choose the Lea Wight bathroom oil. One of my all time favorite interior paintings.

  2. The two paintings that spoke the most to me before I saw the identifying captions were by fellow Canadians. This gives me much to consider.

    1. Canadian artists are all over the internet, Pat. Lots of good stuff out there. I most especially love the work of the Group of Seven.

  3. Dear Yvette,

    I see that you are drawn like the moth to light, for these all have a wonderful sense of light. My own favorite is the yellow painting by Helen McNicoll. I would be happy to look at it every morning, and I know it would set the tone for each day.

  4. Oh yes, I love dramatic light. :) That is a lovely painting. In fact, I think it's my favorite of all her paintings I've seen online.

  5. Paintings like these make me jealous...very jealous. I love the piece by American painter Kurt Solmssen.


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