
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Salon: And now for something a little different -The 'Tattooed' ladies and gents of Mimi Kirchner.

Mimi Kirchner makes dolls that make me smile and make me swoon. I just love them. One doll would never be enough. I'd want to own them ALL! If I could I'd add a room to my house: The Mimi Kirchner Room, and use it to display all of Mimi's beauties. THAT'S how much I love her work.

Photo: Sarah Deragon

Mimi Kirchner is a Boston-based contemporary artist/craftswoman. She has a BFA from Carnegie-Mellon University and talks here in a short email conversation from 2004, on why she began making dolls. 

Dolls that delight, dolls that are ever so slightly mysterious, dolls that obviously have stories to tell. 

Mimi's charming creations have a huge presence online, her work is easy enough to find and purchase - link here to her Etsy shop. (Availability varies as do the dolls.) She also teaches classes when she has a moment or two.

Also check out Mimi's foxy Fox dolls. SO delightful. (Note the little binoculars.)

...and her Fat Ladies. SO oddly comforting.

Note the expression on this red-headed beauty. Strikes me as an end of a long day day glance. Not one to suffer fools gladly? 


  1. Yvette, a very unusual Saturday Salon but terrific nonetheless. I like the exquisite detailing of the tattoos. And to think these are dolls!

  2. I go where my whims take me, Prashant. Ha! :) I think this is art, just in a different form. The tattoos are formed from printed fabric known as toile. Mimi is very clever in arranging the fabric just so. In this she is also a very astute designer.

  3. Hi, Yvette,

    These are absolutely delightful, and a brilliant idea. I will definitely take a trip to Mimi's Etsy shop, if only to smile some more!

    1. Last time I looked, Mark, there wasn't much left at her Etsy shop. But she may have re-stocked it since then. It's hit or miss with hand-made things. :) She usually posts her newest creations on her blog. I just love her stuff.

  4. Oh, at times I realize I am so conventional in my art appreciation. This is one of those times.


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