
Friday, February 20, 2015

Something New

I've begun - with this year's list - to add stars to the books I read during the year. So if you'd like to see how I rate what I read, just check out the 'Pages' list on the left hand side of the blog under, 'Books Read in 2015'. Since I don't know how to make cute little stars, I'm just writing it out in a different though easily legible font. You'll get the idea.

But keep in mind that as a rule I generally like most books I finish or else I wouldn't finish them. And, of course, I don't list a book unless I have finished it. It's just my own pedantic way.


  1. Dear Yvette,
    18 books - I'm impressed! I have a grand total of 3 thus far. . .
    I like this idea of yours.
    Bye for now,

  2. Kirk! Are you back among us?? So nice to read a comment from you after all this time. Thanks for dropping by. :) Yes, 18 books so far and that's not counting a couple of re-re-re-reads. :)

  3. yvette, hope you are warm and well. I am so sick and it snowed all day. I can't back out of garage the snow plow pushed 2 feet against the door.
    Come on GOD let us see Spring.

  4. I hope you're dug out by now and feeling much better, Yvonne. Take care. Spring will be springing any time now. :)


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