
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Please pardon my disappearance...

I've been ill - spent Thanksgiving bed-ridden and feeling very 'woe is me' - you know how that goes. I'm slowly getting back to normal, but today's 'Forgotten Film Tuesday' post will probably not appear until tomorrow or the day after and at that it will be in the guise of My Favorite Christmas Films.

I'll follow that up next week with a list of My Favorite Books of the Year and then that will be it for December and into January. I really do need some time off to begin my new venture (if my freakin' health will allow it). That is, a brand new portfolio of art which I'm very excited about.

So I guess that means I'm un-retiring.

But ladies and gents, I'm a slow-worker. I need time and 'space'. Something has to give and that will be my blogging duties, at least for the near future.

I'll still be around, just not as regularly.

So bear with me, I'm a crazy old lady with dreams.


  1. Sorry you've been unwell, Yvette. Look after yourself & don't try to do too much. Looking forward to your Christmas movies post, I'm sure we'll have several in common.

    1. Thanks so much, Lyn. Health woes are such a bore.

      My Christmas list won't be a big surprise, I think. :)

  2. Yvette,

    "a crazy old lady with dreams"

    Sounds great to me. Go for it!

    1. Thanks, Fred! :) I definitely will. Very much looking forward.

  3. See you round kiddo - and hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks, Sergio. Oh I'll be around, for sure. :)

  4. Take care, Yvette. I hope you feel tip-top soon. Looking forward to your sharing your new portfolio of art.

    1. Thanks, Jacqueline. My agent has ordered a new flat bed scanner and as soon as I have new work - it will be available. That's part of my excitement. I've been idle for too long.

  5. Dear Yvette,

    The great thing about being an artist is that one continues to discover, learn and grow. I think it's great that you're going into a new venture, and I wish you all the best, whatever it might be!

    1. Yes, you're so right, Mark. I'm finally breaking free of my long term malaise. Giving it one more definite shot. The encouragement of my long term agent means a lot to me. Though I haven't worked for several years, they're willing to keep me in the stable and work with me in this new venture. 'New' in that I will not be going back to what I was known for in the past - educational illustration - work that I'd completely lost interest in. At my age, I now want to do work that pleases me first. Looking very much forward to the New Year. :)

  6. Sorry to hear about the Thanksgiving illness, Yvette. Hope you're feeling better by now. But so excited to hear about your art work. Creativity is rejuvenating, isn't it? And that's a dream worth pursuing at any time in your life. Go get 'em!

    1. Thanks, John! Soon as I'm feeling one hundred percent, I'll be going and getting. :) Working on a gift for my granddaughter for Christmas - her own personalized coloring book. :)

  7. Yvette, I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope you continue to do so. Blogging isn't as important as one's health and space. I look forward to your posts as well as a glimpse into your new art, perhaps in a Saturday Saloon.

    BTW: I thought I'd left a comment against your previous post and I think Blogger swallowed it. I have been having a few problems on other blogs too.

    1. Thanks, Prashant. Full speed ahead, well, let's say: medium speed ahead. Ha!

      I'm sorry you're having problems posting. But thanks for persevering.

  8. Dear Yvette - Do hope that you are now fully on the road to recovery. Personally, I find it is a much longer journey to shake off these little setbacks as I get older.
    Really looking forward to seeing what will be in your new 'ART' portfolio - it sounds enticing.

    1. The older I get the much harder it is to bounce back, that's for sure, Rosemary - you hit the nail on the head. :) I will definitely be having an online presence for my artwork sometime in the Spring. At least, that's my goal.

  9. Sorry to hear about whatever it was that got you done and it keeping you there. Good lunk on your new venture and we will look forward to hearing from you when you are able.

    1. Thanks, Gram. Last year I was sick over Christmas and this year it was Thanksgiving. That better be it for now. :)

  10. I'll certainly miss your posts, but your health and happiness come first. Be well and happy!

    1. Thanks, Joan - I intend to. At least, if I have anything to say about it. :) I'll be around and posting occasionally - I hope. I think it's time for me to break out of the 'same/old, sale/old.' Know what I mean?

  11. Yvette, feel well soon. I am so intrigued now and can't wait to see your art work!

    1. Thanks, Peggy. It's going to be a few months before I have much to really show. But we'll see how it goes. I want to do all new pieces.

  12. Good luck with whatever project is luring you back. Most important thing right now, though, is to regain your health. The rest of us will wait more-or-less patiently for your visits. There are other things in life besides blogging. Just ask your grandchildren. Be careful, be well - and come back when you can.

    1. Thanks, LB. I'm feeling much better these past few days and looking forward to the future.

  13. Be well and hopefully, the ghost of sickness does not haunt your house again.

    That's exciting about your new art project. Hope all goes well with this, and we, your loyal blog commenters, await hearing about it.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. I'll still be around, just not as often. Something had to give, and for now, it's the blogging. :)

  14. Wish you, Rocky and your family a great holiday season and a new year of health, good books, artistic endeavors and success.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. Rocky celebrated the season early by robbing a croissant from the kitchen table. Ha!


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