
Friday, July 4, 2014

Have a Great 4th of July!

J.C. Leyendecker


  1. And a Happy 4th to you also.

    1. Thanks, Fred. It was kind of quiet around here. We had our fireworks on our town's 150th birthday a few weeks ago. Hope yours was a little livelier. :)

  2. Yvette, I am familiar with this Artist He did a Monkey and organ Grinder painting I love. (Besides Leyden is how I sign my work)
    That almost looks like a Rockwell.
    Have a great Fourth, the storm cooled it off .

    1. Thanks, Yvonne, you too. The weather today is marvelous. :)
      Rockwell and Leyendecker knew each other, in fact, Rockwell was a great admirer. Their styles are sometimes mistaken for each other. Rockwell was greatly influenced.

  3. Oh, for old-fashioned fun! And smaller crowds of people!

    In addition to the wonderful cover, I see there are stories or articles by Mary Roberts Rinehart, Owen Wister, and P.G. Wodehouse! What a way to while away a sultry July 4th afternoon!

    Happy 4th to you!

    1. Thanks, Joan. Hope you had a great day. Kind of quiet around here, but nice and restful. :) Can you imagine opening a magazine and getting those wonderful writers? Plus great artwork too.

  4. Yvette,

    Actually it was fairly quiet this year. Perhaps the drought scared a lot of people off of setting off fireworks.

  5. It was quiet here too, Fred. Kind of eerie, actually. :)

  6. Happy belated Independence Day to you. It was relatively quiet here in our neighborhood in Portland, but not quiet enough for the cats.

  7. Sighing with a heavy dose of nostalgia for the heyday of the Saturday Evening Post. As Joan Kyler mentioned in her comment earlier, imagine finding a magazine with stories by Owen Wister, P. G. Wodehouse, and Mary Roberts Rinehart, all in a package with a Leyendecker or Rockwell cover drawing. Sigh.


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