
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday Salon: The Paintings of Melissa Scott-Miller

Melissa Scott-Miller / source

Melissa Scott-Miller / source

Melissa Scott-Miller / source

Melissa Scott-Miller / source

Melissa Scott-Miller / Source

Recently I've discovered a congenial bunch of English artists whose paintings and prints have enchanted me in various ways. It's probably coincidence that they're all Brits though I'm wondering if that hasn't also influenced my latest reading material as well. Maybe just synchronicity but whatever it is, I'm enjoying it.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be featuring a few more of these painters whose work - at least for me - could not have originated anywhere but Great Britain, a setting I love. Today it's five of Melissa Scott-Miller's gorgeous-in-detail paintings primarily of London. Scott-Miller is also known for her portraits, but it was her landscapes/cityscapes that captured my attention the moment I stumbled across them online. I'm completely fascinated by the charming warmth and detail of this work.

To read about Melissa Scott-Miller's work and see a few more of her paintings, please use the link to her page at Mall Artists / Federation of British Artists.


  1. Love these, Yvette! Thanks for sharing them. I had never heard of her before.

  2. Neither had I, Peggy Ann, until a few days ago. There's much to be said in favor of the internet. :)

  3. Love these Yvette - another new artist to me. You are a genius at exploring the internet for interesting works. I especially like the first one showing the London skyline with its latest new buildings - the Gerkin and the Shard, and all the little figures of the children running around in the school playground.

    1. Thanks, Rosemary. :) Actually, it's my idea of fun. I love that first one very much as well. Also the backyard ones.

  4. Dear Yvette,

    By far, I like the second painting which I think has a hint of David Hockney in it. Perhaps Melissa's images will one day be a historical record of places that undergo urban change. I know the skyline of my own town is evolving more quickly than I would like to see!

    1. I don't see the hint, exactly, Mark. But, to each his (or her) own - especially when it comes to art. That's what makes it all so interesting.:)

    2. In that particular painting, it's how all the light pastels come together into such rich blends.

    3. Oh, okay, Mark. I think I get it. :)

  5. Yvette, every time you post Saturday Salon, it inspires me to take up the paint brush and try my amateur hand at some landscape painting. I used to draw and paint a lot in my teens. That first painting is awesome; it looks like someone clicked a picture from the top of a building.

    1. You should definitely take up paint brush and paints and whatnot and try your hand again, Prashant.:) I'm glad my post has inspired you. I'm going to get back to drawing and painting one of these days myself...

  6. This is such a great style. I love it when I can walk in a show
    an go right to a certain artist. Scott/Miller has a distinctive style.

  7. She absolutely does, Yvonne. I like to be able to recognize an artist's style too. Makes me feel like I know something. Ha.


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