
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Have A Good Memorial Day, Everyone.

James Montgomery Flagg - source


  1. Hi, Yvette - I wish you a safe and happy holiday! Mark

  2. Thanks, Mark. And the same to you. :)

  3. I'd like to make a suggestion, that everyone contact Congresspeople and the White House and do whatever you can to advocate for comprehensive medical and psychological treatment, housing, jobs, family assistance for all veterans.

    The recent scandal revealing inadequate care and negligence by the Veterans Administration is outrageous. Veterans make incredible sacrifices and return with scars, obvious and hidden, and need enormous help. They should get it.

    Advocacy helps.

    1. Kathy, I agree, advocacy does help. I will definitely go with your suggestion. Sometimes we forget that the government does really need to hear from its constituents especially when it comes to something as important as the treatment of veterans.

  4. Yvette,
    Thank you so much for this post. We must never forget..
    So many wonderful young and old Americans were lost.
    Don't forget the women too. God Bless
    have a great Summer, Spring has left. (what Spring?)

    1. You're welcome, Yvonne. You know, I believe it's up to teachers and administrators of school curriculum to make damn sure kids learn the history of these wars and the sacrifices made by these men and woman so these same kids could could be free to walk around today with baggy pants and cell phones. Today's world didn't just spring out of nowhere, kiddies. It was made possible by those that came before. Those brave men and women who fought and gave their lives to save the future for us.


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