
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday's Forgotten (or Overlooked) Television: YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS with Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca, Howie Morris and Carl Reiner

As you know, the oh-so-brilliant Sid Caesar passed away last week, so this week I'm celebrating his genius by sharing (by the grace of youtube) a few favorite 'skits' from YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS featuring not only Sid, but darling Imogene Coca, the always frenetically frantic Howie Morris and the gruff and buffoony Carl Reiner at their very best. I know you've probably already seen them all, but what the heck. Watch 'em again. There's absolutely no such thing as too much laughter.

And just in case you want to read a bit more about YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS, I'm including a link to a previous post from 2011.

Invitation to Murder - Part Two - Couldn't find Part One, but I think this is self-explanatory.

The Continental Express

Le Honore de Julle

From Here to Obscurity - Part One

From Here to Obscurity - Part Two

Since this is Tuesday, don't forget to check in at Todd Mason's blog, Sweet Freedom, to see what other television, films or audio/visuals other bloggers are talking about today.


  1. I remember howling with laughter at the FROM HERE TO ETERNITY parody when I saw the first time and I just did again - great stuff Yvette, thanks.

  2. Sadly I have only seen clips of this. Need to look for a complete show on you tube.

  3. Dear Yvette,

    I often think of Sid Caesar when I stand in front of the mirror and shave around my sideburns and mustache. I loved the skit where he tries to even up his shaving until he has no hair.

    1. Oh, I don't remember that one, Mark. But it sounds hilarious. Sid was such a treasure.

  4. You're so welcome, Sergio. :) I admit I laughed again as well. And to think all this was done live.

  5. You might have to buy the DVDs, Patti. I'm not sure there's a complete show online. (Though of course, there could be.) :)

  6. This brings back memories of watching Your Show of Shows with my father when I was very young, Yvette. They were all so talented!

    1. We watched every week and rolled off the sofa laughing. It's funny how a lot of the shows I used to watch have faded from memory but YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS still makes me smile just thinking about it. :)

  7. I loved this show and watched it every Saturday while I babysat. I wish that they would have more shows like this now, these and Ernie Kovaks!

    1. Oh I adored Ernie Kovacs, Gram. Who didn't? I still remember the NY Daily News front page when he died in that awful car accident. Heartbreaking. He was such a genius.

  8. Yvette, Sid Caesar and "Your Show of Shows" is absolutely new to me. Thanks for providing the links.

    1. Well, I wonder if you'll find them very funny without the warm memories that we have of watching them when we were kids.
      I do hope you enjoy them, Prashant. :)

  9. My family crowded around to watch these shows, too, laughing so hard.

    I will watch all of these at some point this weekend. But I have books, dvds and lots of tasks. I got Ministry of Fear from the library today, among other wonders.

    1. Let me know how you like MINISTRY OF FEAR - one of my faves. Well, you already knew that. :)

  10. You're welcome, Andrew. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Yvette, this was a delightful salute to the late, great Sid Caesar and his Show Of Shows! They always crack me up! Heck, I'm gonna watch them again! :-D

  12. I love the moment when Imogene is trying not to laugh at Sid's ad-lib. She turns into his shoulder and desperately tries to hold it together. SO funny.


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