
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday's Forgotten (or Overlooked) Television: MAPP AND LUCIA by E.F. Benson - the television series

Since I've been spending my waking hours very late into the night reading up a storm I've hardly had time to do much of anything else. I'm the sort of person who will, occasionally, seized by a mad literary passion, bury herself in a book (or in this case, books) without coming up for air except as strictly necessary. 

I'm now on the last few pages of MAPP AND LUCIA, the fourth book in my library anthology and fully expect to finish it up today and then I might be able to return to my senses. At least until I get my hands on the two remaining Lucia books.

In the meantime, I've learned that the series based on E.F. Benson's books is NOT available for viewing on youtube as I was originally led to believe - che vergogna. 

But the entire series IS available on DVD - at very reasonable prices. 

From the little I've seen online, Geraldine McEwan is perfection as Lucia. 

Nigel Hawthorne is equal perfection as dear Georgie Pillson

And Prunella Scales adds to the perfection quotient as Miss Mapp.

Just a little taste of the series. 

Don't forget to check in at Todd Mason's headquarters: Sweet Freedom, to see what other forgotten or overlooked films and/or television other bloggers are talking about today. We are an eccentric bunch.

"Au reservoir!"


  1. Great fun Yvette - obviously I found the Italian-ness particularly amusng but the casting was great in this show. My Mum watches it about once a year!

    1. I haven't had a chance to see the shows yet, Sergio. I'm looking forward to it. The books are just fabulous.

  2. Prunella Scales is great in anything!

  3. Oh, how fabulous the books and the BBC series! Thank you for sharing with others about the joy of reading about the so human foibles and machinations of Lucia and Mapp. My best friend gave me the books and said you must be a certain type to get them, and thankfully I was. Au reservoir, mon ami Barbara.

    1. I must be of 'certain type' too, Barbara. :) I love them.

  4. I've tried twice to watch this series and just couldn't get into it. I love Geraldine McEwan.

    1. She's SO Lucia. :) Try the books, Peggy Ann. Maybe you'll like them better.

  5. I adore Queen Lucia and have all the books. I re-read at least one every summer. The series is spot on.


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