
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

THE GOOD WIFE: Good Television

After self-indulging in a multi-episode bacchanalia of the television series, ELEMENTARY and PERSON OF INTEREST, I naturally thought I'd have nothing left to watch (television-wise) until the next seasons of said series make their appearance on Netflix. (And don't think I'm not anxiously awaiting same.)

But just to see what's what, I decided to take a peak at THE GOOD WIFE since everyone praises the show to the skies and and back and what the heck.

Well, just so you know sometimes 'everyone'  is right. It's a terrific show. Nah, more than terrific - it's FABULOUS! Well-plotted, well-acted and well, just amazingly good television for those not really expecting any true-to-reality lawyerly shenanigans - just true-to fictional-life lawyerly shenanigans. Seen through a jaundiced eye, THE GOOD WIFE makes for a sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes moving, occasionally mind-bogglingly duplicitous fun time. Yeah, I like it a lot. And I'm not a big fan of lawyer fiction. So go figure.

I've always liked Julianna Margulies and I especially like her in this powerhouse part seemingly tailor-made. As Alicia Florrick (love that name!), once a betrayed housewife and currently on the partner fast track at the well-known Chicago law firm of Gardner/Lockhart, she manages somehow to be both sympathetic, feminine, clever and hard-nosed, all at the same time. Not bad for a lawyer who'd taken thirteen years off to raise her family.

And wow! the casting gods didn't stop there. JM is surrounded and supported by a very talented cast of all-pros. My favorite being Alan Cumming minus his Scottish accent and sporting a nice American drawl. I simply adore him as Eli Gold, a political fixer/lawyer/conniver who manages to make you like him no matter what skullduggery (though he has mellowed out a bit in recent times) he happens to be up to. I'm hoping for a nice romance in Season 5 between Eli and Natalie Flores. She is played by America Ferrara (who, by the way, is simply wonderful)  - another bit of offbeat casting which works beautifully.

My third favorite cast member is Josh Charles as Will Gardner who, I understand, has gone from pining ex-lover, current lover, ex-lover, boss, ex-boss of Alicia Florrick. Haven't seen Season 5 yet, but I know that major fireworks have occurred. Here is a man who is not classically handsome, but yet manages to be sexy as all heck. A flawed character who earns our sympathy and then, maybe, squanders it. We'll see.

I also love Matt Czuchry as Cary Agos, once Alicia's rival at Gardner/Lockhart, now Deputy State's Attorney. This is an actor I've not been familiar with at all, but boy does he have a way about him. I've been really impressed by his easy on-screen manner, the way he has of observing. Attitude-wise he reminds me very much of Nick Carraway, the narrator of Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby'.

Let's not forget the always fabulous and appealing Christine Baranski as wheeler/dealer Diane Lockhart, Will's partner and cohort. She is everything one would imagine a powerhouse lawyer to be and more.

Archie Panjabi as the mysterious Gardner/Lockhart investigator/enforcer Kalinda Sharma is intriguing in a part that seems to fit her like those skin-tight knee-high boots she wears. This is another actor I was not familiar with at all. I am very impressed by how she handles a part that could easily have been unlikable and even bizarre. When she takes a baseball bat and smashes in the windows of a smarmy co-worker's SUV, you know this kick-ass babe means business and you like her for it.

I'm not a big fan of Chris Noth, but he is, admittedly, quite good as Peter Florrick, Alicia's once disgraced, slightly sleazy husband and current Chicago State's Attorney. How he went from one to the other is a story not so hard to believe in today's America.

Oh, and speaking of sleazy, I almost forgot the odiously likable Zach Grenier as David Lee, a Gardner/Lockhart equity partner and family law expert. I always look forward to his scenes and always expect something over-the-top and delightfully dreadful.

I've got four episodes of Season 3 set aside for tonight and I've got Season 4 lined up and ready. Whoopee!


  1. Yvette, this is a fine review of a television drama I've heard a lot about. I'm going to have to see if Indian cable is currently showing it. I rarely watch serious drama but I'll make an exception for this one.

    1. It's the sort of show, Prashant, that really needs to be watched from the beginning (I began at the second season though and I'm doing fine) if at all possible. But oh so enjoyable. I hope you can find it on your cable.

  2. Replies
    1. Ha! I'm making obeisance to your taste and wisdom, Todd.

  3. Yvette, I must admit I've heard many good things about THE GOOD WIFE -- even my sister, who doesn't watch much TV, loves the show! The cast sure is tempting. I'll have to check it out! :-) except anything having to do with SEX AND THE CITY. I'll have to give it a look! :-)

    1. I really do think you'd like this show, Dorian. But remember to try and begin, at least, from Season 2, as I did. Happy viewing, kiddo. :)

  4. I watched the first two seasons very happily but when it looked like they were going to have Alicia permanently split from her husband and go for Will I must admit I bailed (I'm such a softie) - they've probably reversed that several times since then but this is a smart and well-acted show - I thought the recurring characters played by Michael J Fox and Martha Plimpton were great occasional additions too.

    1. Oh you are so right about the recurring characters. This show has a superb casting director who really knows what's what and who will blend nicely and who will - probably and rightly - stand out. I love the clutzy red-headed lawyer - can't remember her name - I'm hoping she'll be brought in as a partner or whatnot sometime. But maybe too much of her might not be such a good thing? I don't know. She's wonderful. She also plays Finch's sad ex-fiancee on PERSON OF INTEREST.

      I don't much care for Chris Noth or his character, so I was hoping for a permanent schism. Ha. In fact, if they bring them back permanently together, I will be miffed. Too much water under that bridge. :)

  5. This is a good show, but I'm way behind. Perhaps I should get episodes out of the library. To miss Margulies, Baranski, Punjabi and all of the others you mention is just wrong. Also, the woman actor who plays the zany, but brilliant, conniving lawyer is terrific, too.

    Perhaps next holiday season I should just tune in and drop out, watching the entire series.

    1. I'm sure the library has several seasons ready and waiting, Kathy. That's the red headed zany lawyer I'm talking about in the previous comment response - she's fabulous! I also love all the eccentric judges. Ha!

  6. We got hooked on this last year when we just left it on CBS after "The Amazing Race" Now Sunday night is the big TV night for us. Luckily, THE GOOD WIFE is on hiatus and reruns so we can watch SHERLOCK on PBS.

    I think you'd like THE MENTALIST, too. The single episodes outside of "The Red John" portion (a long arcing serial killer story that may not be up your alley) are for the most part very well done. I remember one with Mariette Hartley cast totally against type that was amazing. Plus, Simon Baker is just so darn likable in the role that even the so-so episodes are worth watching for him alone.

    1. John, I'm watching the show from Netflix dvds. How long will it be on hiatus? I never could get used to that sort of thing with regular television. Very annoying. I did watch a couple of episodes of The Mentalist way back when I had regular cable, but I just couldn't get into it.

      Maybe I'll take another look. Sometimes shows evolve nicely.

    2. I think after The Super Bowl. There's another repeat of THE GOOD WIFE on Feb 2. Perfect timing! Since the last episode of "Sherlock" is this coming Sunday.

  7. Carrie Preston plays the zany, but brilliant red-haired lawyer on TGW. Her personality is so interesting; she distracts with her quirks, yet is way ahead of everybody else.

    The more I read this, the more I know I should get the episodes out of the library.

  8. Thanks for the info, Kathy, I was just too lazy to look it up. :) I love her in anything she does. She's wonderful.

    You definitely should get the episodes out of the library. I'm thinking of re-watching some of the earlier shows all in a bunch. Will be checking out the library stash soon enough.


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