
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year...

Artist: Chas. Addams

Just checking in for a moment to let you know I'm still fighting off the remnants of a bad bout with the flu - something I haven't experienced in many years. Ruined my Christmas but hey, them's the breaks. Gave me a chance - these last couple of days, at least - to do some comfort re-reading and play catch up on The Good Wife. Soon as I'm back up to scratch, I'll return full time, raring to go.

Hope you all had a much better holiday than I did. (Very 'woe is me', I know.)

2014 Awaits! 


  1. You deserve some "woe is me"! What a lousy time to be sick. It's happened to me before and it's like Christmas never came, isn't it? Talk about coal in Santa's bag! Oh, I love that picture. My new year was just like that little dog's -- nothing going on this year, nose pressed against the window! Get well, Yvette...

    1. Thanks so much, Becky. Coal in Santa's bag is right. :)

  2. Glad to hear you're past the worst of it, and so sorry about your miserable flu. May 2014 be a very healthy, and happy year for you and your family.

    1. Thanks, Jacqueline. I am feeling better - so far, so good. :)

  3. Yvette, I'm sorry the flu ruined the festive season for you. My best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful new year with good health and happiness. I look forward to reading your book and film reviews and walking through your "art exhibitions" in 2014.

    1. Thanks, Prashant. Trying my best to get back to 'normal'. I'm looking forward to a good year.

  4. So sorry that you have been ill over the festive period Yvette - get better quickly.
    We have the flu jab each autumn and for years it seems to have helped keep the dreaded lurgi away.
    Poor little scotty dog watching all the fun and games - make up for it Yvette later in the year. Wishing you all the best in 2014.

    1. Thanks, Rosemary, great idea to make up up later in the year. Next year for sure I'm getting that flu 'jab' - hadn't thought I'd ever need it since I normally do not get the flu. So much for tradition. :) I've learned my lesson.

  5. Rest is best! Along with plenty of fluids, etc. Take the time you need to be well.

  6. Glad to hear you're getting up to speed again. I hope that 2014 will be a good year for you.

  7. Well, at least the good thing about the flu is ... shouldn't have started that. How about, nowhere to go but up? 2014 will be great!

  8. Dear Yvette,

    I wish you a Happy (and especially Healthy) New Year, and a speedy recovery. It's always a treat to see what inspires you, and always a treat to share.

    1. Thanks so much, Mark. I've got plenty of ideas, now all I need is the energy. I'm getting there....

  9. Oh, Yvette, I'm so sorry. Get well soon!


    1. Thanks Mjoy, feeling much better today. Hope springs eternal. Ha. :)

  10. Happy New Year! Hope you beat that nasty bug back quickly so you can enjoy the new year and the adorable grandchildren.

    I broke my arm right before Christmas, on my way to the p.o. with packages, so it limited my activities, and I empathize with you even more.

    1. OMG, Kathy and you say that so calmly. Please take care and I do hope you're a quick healer. Stay safe, m'dear. And thanks for the good wishes.

  11. Further condolence and reassurance that complaint about bad luck is necessary purgative (no, Yvette--suck it up, and reintesify your stress!). Hope you're genuinely feeling much better, just in time for the Deep Freeze, and catching up on THE GOOD WIFE is always a boost for me, at least...Hallmark Channel, if you choose to get cable, has picked up repeats (of all the slightly unlikely channels, but I guess they're going Hip).

    1. Are you a GOOD WIFE fan, Todd? Good. I thought I wouldn't like it at all and only turned to it as a desperate sort of 'in-between' measure while waiting for the next season of PERSON OF INTEREST. But now I'm hooked on wifey-poo as well. Jeez. I have no resistance.

      Thanks for the good wishes, my friend. Hmmmm, I wonder if Hallmark Channel is online with the episodes...

    2. Meanwhile, I found PERSON OF INTEREST very resistable until they started bringing in the new cast. For such a bubbly personality, Sarah Shahi can play a fine badass (as she also proved in LIFE the other year or so back), and Amy Acker is a past mistress at what she's called on to do...hell, even casting Paige Turco and fellow Alaskan Annie Parisse in recurring roles might've been enough to get me past it being a J. J. Abrams series...

    3. I love the two main guys - forgot their real names - Finch and John. Sorry, there we disagree, Todd. I liked Carter a lot but I hear she's is finito. I also love, love, love the crooked cop. The new women are okay too. But I'll wait and see what they're up to once I get my hands on the whole year (Season 3) - when oh when that will be is beyond my understanding. I just wait for Netflix to pick them up. I'm also waiting for ELEMENTARY. Impatiently.

  12. Love your new header picture!

    I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Husband has been sniffing and honking and moaning for several days, but that seems to be the worst of it. Get well.

    1. Oh dear, men can be such babies when they're sicky - oh wait, wasn't that me 'sniffing and honking and moaning' all over the place just a few days ago? Well, pretend you didn't notice. :)

      Glad you like my new header. I'm not sure, I think I still need to do some fussing. You know how I like to shake things up every six months or so and of course, around the holidays. :)


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