
Monday, November 4, 2013


Okay, I've found another terrific television show to sink my teeth into. Not available yet on streaming from Netflix, it is available in DVDs which makes for its own agony as I have to wait two days between each disc.

Once I finished Season One of ELEMENTARY - which, by the way, brought the first season to a glorious end as the identity of Moriarity was revealed over three fabulous episodes - I thought I'd have nothing else as good to watch while I waited for Season Two to be available. (I tried watching the new season on the CBS site, but the commercials drove me batty.)

But not to worry, I found another great show almost right away.

PERSON OF INTEREST sounds like a something other than what it is and I'm glad I took a chance and jumped right in from the beginning. The pilot episode is a must.

 Jim Caviezel is wonderful as John Reese 'the enigmatic enforcer' of a fabulously wealthy and reclusive inventor, Mr. Finch (played brilliantly by Michael Emerson) who has created some sort of autonomous computer which sees all and knows all. Used by the government to spy on the populace as it searches for terrorist activity, the computer has a byblow: it alerts to possible common crimes as well. Crimes the government considers irrelevant.

In all this 'seeing and knowing', the computer is able to spew out the social security numbers of people who may be in trouble - who are going to be either victims or perpetrators in the near future.

So Mr. Finch has set up his own operation, unknown to the government. He will step in and try to prevent these 'common' crimes from happening. To that end, he hauls in John Reese (an ex CIA rogue agent) as his 'partner'.

The implausibility factor is quite high, but as I tried to explain to by doubting brother, you have to have a willing suspension of disbelief going in and why not? Somehow the whole thing works. I especially like that a lot of it is shot on city streets which adds a nice verisimilitude to the idea of teeming masses.

So I'm loving this show and if you have some hours to string together, check it out and see if you don't fall in love with it as well.

Read more about the show at its IMDb link.


  1. I just watched some of Elementary season two this weekend. So good!

    And I visited my parents last week, and my dad was spellbound by this show. May have to give it a go.

    1. If your dad was spellbound, then you definitely have to give it a go, Picky. Then you'll be on the same wavelength. It's a fabulous show.

  2. Season 2 has just started over here in the UK - hurrah!

    Have loved this from the get-go - nicknamed 'Hitman-Jesus' in our house! (because of Caveizel's performance in the 'Passion of the Christ')

    Have you come across 'The Blacklist' yet, Yvette? The wonderful James Spader at his quietly menacing best! Also intrigued by 'Under the Dome'; loving 'Revolution' and entranced by 'Elementary' - Jonny Lee Miller's eccentric portrayal of Sherlock Holmes is amazing. I saw him at the National Theatre, London, in 'Frankenstein', co-starring with that other 'Sherlock' - Benedict Cumberbatch! :-)

    (you must think I do nothing but sit and watch TV all day..... ;-p)

    1. Oh, I'd sit and watch TV all day - if only I could. Ha! No, I know you're a world traveler, m'dear. I was talking about you just the other day and the fact that you live near Oxford. (BIG SIGH) and that you can walk to a nearby canal and watch the boats. (SECOND BIG SIGH). I only watch the shows when they come on Neflix, Sue. Otherwise I have to sit through a bunch of commercials. I'd rather wait. All the shows you mentioned will eventually show up on streaming and then I'll pounce! Now that I think on it, REVOLUTION might be available. I'll give it a look. :)

  3. P.S. I love Johnny Lee Miller's interpretation. :)

  4. ...talking about me to whom...? (and about what...? ;-p)
    I plan to get out with my camera before all the leaves are ripped off the trees by the gales - and a walk down to the boatyard might produce some pics for you! Hubby and I have also 'pencilled in' a visit to Oxford to see some of the locations used in 'Morse' (have you seen that detective series over there?)

    1. Oh absolutely, I love MORSE. I also loved ENDEAVOR and hope to see more of that one too one of these days. I also liked the other series (can't remember the name) starring Morse's second in command. I usually love most anything set in Oxford. :)
      Oh, I was talking about you to my brother, I think. Mentioning your easy accessibility to Oxford and to the canals and such. That kind of thing. Nothing awful. :)

  5. I have managed to miss this one Yvette, probably because I'm not wild about Jim Caviezel, though he was very good in FREQUENCY, which sounds like it has a fair amount in common with this show - hmmm, I really may give it a go! Thanks chum.

    1. Oh Sergio, you really should. This is a TERRIFIC series. And this is coming from someone who is not easy to please when it comes to television. :)

  6. Yvette, I've been hearing plenty of praise for PERSON OF INTEREST! Maybe now that my beloved CSI: NY has finally folded after all these years (though the modern HAWAII-5-O is still a fave), I'll give it a try. For that matter, I've been hearing much praise for ELEMENTARY, too. So many great shows, so little time! :-) Anyway, I enjoyed your review, Yvette, as always! :-)

    1. Thanks, Dorian. Oh yes, I think you'll love this show! It's really quite well done and wonderfully acted by the leads. Lots of food for thought. But begin at the beginning if you can.

  7. I agree, Yvette, this is a good show. We have watched it on TV from the beginning, and it took a while for me to warm to it. It wasn't until we re-watched Season 1 on DVD that I really saw how good it was. For any show -- just about -- you have to suspend disbelief, but for this one, I am willing to.

    1. I agree, Tracy. Suspend your disbelief and just watch the show and enjoy how good it really is. I'm hoping that ASeason Two will be as good as Season One and thanking Netflix for having it available. :)

  8. We've watched it from the beginning too, Yvette. One of my husbands favs!

  9. Yvette, it has just dawned on me that you seem to have no TV! Are you watching everything -- movies, TV shows and DVDS -- on your computer? I watch only a little TV but need it more to watch movies with my DVD player. I have a large collection of movies I've downloaded to my laptop but the tiny screen reminds me of watching my old black & white portable TV in my bedroom back in my teen years. Movies need a big screen and my TV is much better than the computer.

    1. I have a television (an old one) but I don't get cable anymore. I watch DVDs on my tv, but everything else on my computer. It's not bad. Hey, needs must. :)

  10. I have got to see this. Maybe it will come to Netflix, then I can watch the whole thing.
    Be well Yvette


    1. It IS on Netflix, Yvonne. That's where I've been getting the DVDs. It's all waiting for you, m'dear. :)


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