
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday Salon: Vintage Posters to Love

Artist: Marcello Dudovich

Artist: Achille Mauzin

Artist: Dr. Seuss

Artist: Henry Le Monnier, 1922

No artist attribution

Artist: Herbert Leupin 1942 - PKZ is a Swiss clothing company.

Artist: Ludwig Hohlwein

No artist attribution

Artist: Paul Colin

Artist: Rene Vincent

Artist: Ludwig Hohlwein

Artist: Donald Brun

Artist: Laubi, 1925

Artist: Marcello Dudovich

No artist attribution.

No artist attribution that I can read.

No artist attribution

Artist: Roger de Valerio

Artist: A. Scolari

Artist: Alexandre Steinlen - I have a copy of this one hanging in my foyer.

Vintage posters of any and all variety of stripes, are another of my personal collecting loves though I have only a few and those are copies. Still, I enjoy looking at (another thank you to the internet) and musing over the art, design (love the bold graphics) and meaning. Not to mention the era in which they were created.


  1. These are great posters. I especially like the Dudovich, and the Steinlen you have hanging up. Can never go wrong with dogs and cats, who definitely steal the show.

    1. Love these posters. But it was hard to narrow down the few to show on the post. Didn't want to post the ones that everyone's seen before. Didn't want to do same/old, same/old. You never CAN go wrong with dogs and/or cats. :)

  2. I have seen some fine vintage posters as part of early corporate advertising campaigns but these sre really good. Thanks for sharing them, Yvette.

    1. You're welcome, Prashant. Glad you enjoyed seeing them.

  3. Clarification: I like the Dudovich in the middle, with the lovely green dress, but the top one is okay, too.

  4. Dear Yvette - Thanks for a fine selection of designs. For sheer impact, my favorite is the Rheinbrüke by Donald Brun. The depiction of the newspaper alone is a masterpiece!

    1. I love the angle. Brun was a design wonder. I'd never heard of his work until recently.

  5. I keep going back and looking at these posters and the one that is not attributed to any artist with the piano is really interesting, too.

    I looked up Steinlen to see other paintings by him, and recognized the tabby cat as one I've seen often at my neighbor's house. I asked her, and sure enough: there are a few of his tabby cats up on her walls. The cat's face is very distinguishable from other artists' works.

    1. Steinlen and Dudovich were very famous artists of their time, Kathy. I'll bet a lot of people have their work up on their walls. I love the old Italian posters too. So much fun.


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