
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


September 11th, 2001. A day to honor and remember.


  1. ...and cherish every minute of our lives. Thanks, Yvette.

  2. I woke this morning, remembering where I was on that fateful day.
    We should never forget.
    I thought it was the end of the world.
    Thank you Yvette.

    1. You're most welcome, Valerie. I had the same reaction. I too thought it was the end of the world.

  3. You're most welcome, Prashant. I try to do that every day I am alive.

  4. Yvette, it's true; we'll truly never forget that terrible day, nor the survivors who rallied around to help as much as possible.

    For the record, I wrote a piece about it in 2010 over at TALES OF THE EASILY DISTRACTED:

    Here's hoping someday all the terrorists of the world will be vanquished as they richly deserve!

  5. A terrible day. I thought for a moment that I was watching a movie when I came in to breakfast and saw the first news on TV. It didn't seem real for only a moment and then it hit me that what I was watching was not only real but a combination of the real and surreal. Know what I mean? Horrible.

  6. It was a horrible day, and since I live not that far from the World Trade Center, so much was going on all around my neighborhood.

    I saw the good help by friends who rushed to help, to donate blood, people rushing downtown to bring food. A friend's son, a paramedic, lost his whole team and after doing grief counseling for other EMT's, had to quit his job.

    The negative stereotypes of New Yorkers were all countered as people shared and pitched in to do what they could.

    My neighborhood was plastered with photos of missing relatives, then with appeals to adopt abandoned pets.

    It was very sad, but the common humanity, assistance, caring, all of it created good will in this city.

    1. I've always thought that New Yorkers were among the friendliest people - especially in an emergency. Of course, I grew up in NYC in that area as well, Kathy so I'm prejudiced. But I think in comparison to other states I've lived in or visited, I remain pretty confident of my prejudice. :)

      So sad for your friend's son. A terrible day, a horrible time.


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