
Monday, September 2, 2013


I'm not officially back until tomorrow, Tuesday. (Got a movie post all ready to go.) Today I'm just tinkering and doing some last minute housekeeping with the page. You know me, I'm not happy if I'm not fussing. 

I've had a nice long rest. (Rest from what - you may well ask and I would answer: from stress build-up. I get like that sometimes. But I was also plagued (and I MEAN, plagued) by some very annoying allergy attacks. It was a rough summer.)

I managed to read a lot. I listened to baseball games. I played on Pinterest and just generally did nothing but stay home and putter about. I also spent time with my grandchildren which was the best part of the whole thing.

Hope you're all doing well - I did check in now and then to see what you all were up to - and that you're ready to indulge an old lady's whims once again. I missed you guys.

Artwork at the top of the page by Robert Weber for The New Yorker.


  1. Welcome back Yvette and so glad you're feeling better. You've been greatly missed.

  2. Thanks, Sergio. It's good to be back. :)

  3. Yvette,

    Glad to see you're back and feeling better.

  4. Thanks, Fred. I'm glad to be back. And feeling much better, actually. I'm still trying to figure out why this summer was so much worse than usual - allergy-wise. :)

  5. Yvette,

    You mentioned "stress buildup" in your post. Stress can exacerbate any physical problem, if I'm not mistaken. I think it's especially hard on the immune system.

  6. Maybe that's what was aggravating the whole thing. I'm doing much better now though. Thanks for your concern, Fred. Much appreciated.

  7. I'm glad you're back. I'm toying with the idea of coming back, but I just honestly don't know if I have it in me yet.

  8. Well, you're probably way busier than I am so I can understand the dragging of the feet. :)

    If I have to take some time off every summer than that's what I'm going to do going forward. I've just signed up with so I can listen to books online. That will help a lot with all the time I spend on line and I know it will definitely keep me from getting bored. :)

  9. Nice to see you almost back. Glad that you have taken time for yourself for a bit of rest and relaxation - sorry to know that you have been plagued by allergy attacks - that must be very difficult for you.

  10. SO happy to see you're back. I'm also happy that your time off did what you were hoping it would do. I think a lot of us need to disconnect for a while sometimes. I'm feeling that right now.

    I love your new header art! Very atmospheric.

  11. Yvette, glad you feel better and glad your back! love the header!

  12. Welcome back, Yvette! Blogging seems normal now. I hope your allergy's gone. It can be a pest.

  13. Thanks Rosemary, it's good to be back. Yes I did a lot of self-indulgent resting during my time off.
    I'm feeling much better. :)

  14. Thanks, Joan. If you need time away then take it, that's my new motto. It will only help your enthusiasm when you return. This time of year I usually have more energy anyway. :)

  15. Thanks, Peggy Ann! Glad you liked the new header. You know me, I like a change now and then. I'm happy to be back. :)

  16. Thanks, Prashant. All's right with the world again. Ha. The truth is I'm feeling much better and more energized. So far, so good. :)

  17. I was *just* thinking about you and wondering when I'd see you pop up in my feed again. Welcome back! It's always good to see you around these parts. :)

  18. Thanks Picky, it's great to be back. I was thinking about you as well. Remember when you posted about those 'minimalist' covers. And we talked about a Jane Eyre minimalist design? Or some such? Well, I haven't forgotten that I said I'd work on a design. I have been and will soon be unveiling it. I'm going to link to your post (if I can find it again) and talk about this trend as well.

  19. Welcome back, Yvette, and see you've come back with a brand-new bit of artwork for the blog and an exciting review of quite a movie. (And, yes, I agree about the swoon factor of Sean Connery in that garb.)

    So glad that you had time to read and putter -- and especially, spend time with those beautiful grandchildren.

    I've had a really hard time, too, with allergies but also with the heat spell in July. Global warming creates more pollen, unfortunately.

    But nothing like books and movies -- as well as puttering, which I love to do, too -- to satisfy one's soul.

  20. You are so right, Kathy and thanks for the welcome. There is nothing better than 'puttering' to set things right. :)

    I hope next summer won't be as rough, but I refuse to worry about that now. Fall is here and it's my favorite season.

  21. So nice to have ya back, ya darlin' "Old Lady".
    I recognize that illustation on your new banner, too. Glad I could help out with the redecorating. ;^)

    Glad you are rested, unstressed and feeling better from the ravages of allergy season.

  22. Ha! Thanks, John. Glad to be back. I thought you might recognize the banner. It is an OLD book, after all. :)

    Speaking of old books, you DID tell me you hadn't read any Delano Ames (did I get the name right?) - didn't you?

  23. So very glad that you have returned. You add such a lot to my life and I've missed you.

  24. Oh thank you, Nan. Thank you for your kind words.

  25. I missed your blog, but I don't miss getting my butt kicked on that word game.

  26. Welcome back, Yvette. You've been missed. Glad to return this to my list of places to be checked regularly!




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