
Friday, May 17, 2013

B is for Boy!

I have a grandson now! My granddaughter is officially a Big Sister.

Adorable grandson born yesterday. Mom and baby doing well.


  1. Congratulations! Wonderful news, and beautiful photo.

  2. Yay! Congratulations, Grandma - & welcome to you, young man! :-)

    Best wishes to Big Sis, Mum & Dad xxx

  3. Thank you, Jacqueline! I can hardly believe I have 2 grandchildren! Being a grandma is the best! :)

  4. Thank you, Sue! I'm a grandma twice over and I'm overjoyed!

  5. Wonderful news - congratulations - one of each. Your little granddaughter looks to be a delightful big sister for her little brother.

  6. Dear Yvette,

    Congratulations on the new grandson and the new brother! I know at least two children who will learn to appreciate books!

  7. Dear Yvette

    Congratulations. It must be a GRAND feeling.:)

  8. Congratulations, Yvette! I know how happy you feel right now as there is nothing better than grandchildren, and having one of each will be fun!

  9. Congratulations! Fantastic news. Welcome to the family, little guy.

  10. She is a total delight, Rosemary. You are so right. I can't wait until she finally figures out that her baby brother is coming to live in the house with her. :)

  11. Thank you, Mark. Yes, when it comes to books, I think I'm the giver-in-chief. We're going to have so much fun. :)

  12. Neer, thank you so much. Yes, it is the 'GRANDEST' of feelings. :)

  13. Thanks Pat, since you're a fellow grandma, you KNOW what fun it can be. I am thrilled.

  14. Thanks, Picky. I can hardly believe that I have two grand children now. I am the mushiest of grandmas. :)

  15. Great news, Yvette, many congratulations! Here's wishing you lots of wonderful and memorable moments with your grandchildren.

  16. Congratulations Yvette! I have a granddaughter and a grandson too! Best parts of life they are!

  17. Congratulations on a new healthy grandson! Kudos to his mother!

    You will have so much fun with him and his older sister in so many ways -- including reading with them.

  18. Congratulations, Yvette! I do hope you get some time with both your grandchildren right now.

    My grandbaby is due TODAY. To see that I am impatient is an understatement ;-)

  19. I'd like to add my congratulations! I'm glad everyone is doing well.

    I think you need to update the photo of your granddaughter on your site. She's not a baby anymore! What a cutie!

    Best wishes to all.

  20. Thank you, Prashant. I'm sure I will. I can't imagine why I thought I wouldn't be a mushy grandma. I am the mushiest. Ha.

  21. Thank you, Peggy Ann. Yes, I'm learning that grandchildren are a treasure. In my case, totally unexpected because my daughter claimed she didn't want children years ago. And now she's the best mom I could ever imagine. Go figure.

  22. Thank you, Kathy. Yes, I will. I'm already planning to move a little closer to them if I can find a nice place nearby. Although I'm only a half hour away, so it's not at the end of the earth. :)

  23. Thanks, Gram. I definitely will. :)

  24. Oh, Debbie. Congratulations to you and your family. So ours will grow up to share their birthday months and their age going forward. :)

  25. Yes, definitely, Joan. I've been meaning to - it's just that I love that photo of her when she was baby so much. :)

    Thanks for the good wishes.

  26. Although I already congratulated you and your new grandbaby on Facebook, happy congratulations to you and Juliana and all the clan! But I think I missed something: what's the little tyke's name? In any case, all of us here at Team Bartilucci HQ are thrilled for you, and wish him a long happy life of all good things!

  27. Belated congratulations, Yvette. Enjoy!

  28. Belated thanks, Sergio. I've been in a happy daze so pardon my worse than normal absent-mindedness. :)

  29. Thanks again, Dorian. My grandson's name is Tyler. :)

  30. We are in perfect agreement, Nan. :)

  31. Yvette, we of Team Bartilucci are thrilled to be Officially introduced to your new grandson Tyler! We wish all him and your family joy, health, and happiness to him and your family for all of your lives, and we trust Tyler will be as kind, funny, and charming as his dear Grandma Yvette! :-D


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