
Monday, March 18, 2013

Never Mind...!

Apparently I am not needed to report tomorrow morning for jury duty. Darn. I had a 'Twelve Angry Men' (nowadays I suppose it would be Twelve Angry Men and Women which doesn't have the same 'oomph') melodrama all worked out - all for naught. It would have been my first time serving too.

We're in the midst of a snowstorm at the moment, but the jury notice online says that our service is complete. Whatever that means. I didn't even get to put my hand on a bible and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth...wait, that's for someone testifying - right?

Oh well, it wasn't all for nothing - I did go to the library today and returned home with fourteen books. Before the snow started.

Not feeling all that great so I think I will take a few days off blogging anyway.

As you were.


  1. Lucky you! (escaping jury duty, that is, not the snow) Seriously, what a tiresome ordeal it all is. You sit and wait for your panel to be called and then sit and wait while the selection process goes on. How do I know? I've been called for jury duty about ten times in the 20+ years I've lived in Chicago. Of those times I had to travel to a courthouse five times but my panel was called only three times. The second time the jury selection process took THREE DAYS! I was one of two people sitting in the gallery on the last day. When seat #12 was finally filled it was the other person. The judge looked down at me, the only potential juror left in the courtroom, and said, "And you sir, thank you for your extreme patience. You are free to go and pick up your check." It was for $17.42. I don't think the pay has been raised since then.

  2. I've only had to do it once though i got to sit on two brief trials during my two-week stint - on one we got the right result and on one we got completely the wrong result and sadly I was no Henry Fonda and couldn't dissuade the other members of the jury (those jerks!).

  3. Sounds like a wonderful plan for waiting out the snow, but I hope you feel better soon. Everyone seems to have the blahs this time of year. Dark and wet mornings are great for reading in bed, if you have the luxury.

  4. Yeah I have been called a few times but each time I call the # the night before, it said I wasn't needed. Fine by me - I heard many times you show up and sit there for hours on end until they tell you "Sorry you can go home now, you're not needed" haaha! Better to be at home on this gloomy day anyway! It's not like on "Law & Order" where it's some big murder trial and glamorous LOL! :)

  5. Yvette, what a stroke of fortune that you weren't needed for jury duty and were able to find 14 books at the library, out of which there may be treasures.

    So, what's not to like about shutting inside with books during a snowstorm? It's what I aim to do all the time, snowstorm or not!

    Happy reading!

  6. Wow. That sounds like not a lot of fun, John. I guess I was lucky this time out.

    Here we only get five bucks for showing up but 40 bucks a day for a trial. Not too bad.

    Not that that they should have to pay us for doing our civic duty, but it doesn't hurt. :)

  7. Sergio, sounds like high drama. :)

  8. This sinus thing of mine seems to be on-going, Joan. One day I think it's all going away and then the next I'm back unable to breathe. :(

    Oh well, as I like to say, it could definitely be worse.

  9. I was hoping for a Law and Order type thing, Skye. Ha.

  10. Thanks Kathy. Out of these fourteen I'm hoping for at least five or so very good ones. You never know...

  11. Hi, Yvette,

    I once had to go to small claims court (I had a claim against someone else) and I found the proceedings — and all the other petty cases - rather entertaining.

    I've served on jury duty twice (both times as a foreman) and I think it's an important thing to do. People who dwell on their own inconvenience should thank their stars they're not living somewhere that has a different rule of law.

  12. I myself did shopping before the storm. I had 2 show plows at $35
    each, ouch.
    Come on Spring. I love the Actors in 12 Angry men, snow storms are great movie watching days, With an elec. blanket ofcourse..
    stay warm and watch for green buds.. yvonne

  13. I've only had to serve on a jury once - a criminal case, mercifully short. I've been called several other times, but never chosen, which is just fine with me. And I really like calling the night before and being told that I'm not needed; my ego has withstood greater shocks... ;-)

  14. Hope you are feeling better and that the snow wasn't too much for you.

  15. Oh I was ready to serve, Mark, even if I did feel like something the cat dragged in on a rainy night. :)

  16. I love that movie too, Yvonne. We had snow but not as bad as predicted. I'm hunkering down spending most days under the covers.

  17. It was beautiful, actually, Ryan. Not too bad at all. I'm feeling good and bad. Some hours I think I'm getting better, then whammo. I may have to break down and go to the doctor. Gak.

  18. I didn't even have to call, Les. I just checked the website and there it was. Hopefully they'll call on me again - when I'm feeling better.

  19. Hi, Yvette - I've reread my comment and realize that it could be construed as a screed against your other commenters, who by the very nature of being associated with your blog are doubtlessly fine people! That was certainly not my intention.

    Jury duty can be an inconvenience, but I have always put myself in the position of an innocent person, falsely accused. I sure would want a fully engaged jury to hear my side of the story then!

  20. I did jury duty once only lasted one day though. A theft case. It was so interesting! I have been put in the pool for this year so we shall see. I've been following the Jodi Arias trial in Arizona. It's been going since Jan. 2! I feel for those poor jurors!

  21. Are you now exempt from jury duty for another 6 years?

    My two attempts of becoming a juror were a bust, Yvette. I reported as summoned, sat through the whole paperwork/ movie/ waiting in the grand hall to finally be called in for the voir dire for a civil law case only to realize that I knew both claimant and defendant!!! What were the chances of living in a NYC borough of 2.5 million people that I would know someone suing someone else? Uncanny! The judge dismissed me right away. The next time I was voir dired for a criminal case for gun possession but when the defending lawyer found out my nephew was a NYPD detective she had me tossed out. I wonder what my experiences will be here in Colorado? I guess time will tell.

    I hope you are feeling better! Did you get more snow today?

  22. No screeds allowed here, Mark - except from me. Ha!

    It's all good.

  23. That's the whole thing, Peggy Ann, you never know where a trial is going to go. But still, it must be very interesting.

    I've never served, but I was quite willing this time even if I wasn't feeling all that great.

  24. I'm afraid to say I'm feeling better today, Pat. The last time I thought I was better, it was only a respite between bouts of not being able to breathe and feeling like something the cat dragged in.

    I don't have the flu or a cold, it's just a damned sinus infection which won't go away.

    I loved reading your jury stories. Wow. What coincidences.

    I wonder if I'll be called again really soon. It doesn't make sense that I wouldn't be. But then, I'm not sure how these things work.


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