
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

Illustration by Inge Look

Hope it's a very special day. Looks like good weather too. 

Illustration by Inge Look


  1. Happy Easter to you too! I think we're back to cold weather tomorrow, but today was 52, and it felt like 72 to me.

  2. Happy Easter to you too! Autumn has finally begun here so I'm enjoying cooler weather & even a bit of fine drizzle.

  3. As long as the sun is out,Belle, all will be well. I'll be home and not spending the day with family since I'm still not feeling one hundred percent, but in spirit I'll be with my granddaughter and her mother and father and my brother and sister celebrating the day. :)

  4. Hi Lyn, thanks for stopping by and for the good wishes. We've had a long tiring winter so we're looking forward here to a bright spring. Early days yet, but I feel some warmth in the air. I hope it will linger. :)

  5. Hope you and Rocky have a nice day at home, with good books and perhaps a few movies.

    I'm reading the new Ruth Galloway book by Elly Griffiths, A Dying Fall, and, hopefully, eating chocolates. Maybe a walk, and a
    few moments with my neighbor's Dachshund.

    And, since, you reminded us about "Hopscotch," I've got the Matthau/Jackson duo in "House Calls" to watch and "A Touch of Class," with Ms. Jackson.

    So a good day will be happening.

  6. Happy Easter, Yvette! I hope you are back to 100 per cent soon!

  7. Wishing you a wonderful Easter, Yvette - and a full and complete recovery from whatever has been keeping you under 100%!

  8. Hello Yvette,
    I came over from Rosemary's blog..
    -Where five valley's meet...
    I have been following Rosmary for some time now.
    I like your blog and how you have designed your page.
    Wishing you a happy Easter.
    I am following now.
    hope to see you my side of the Ocean...

  9. Thanks, Kathy. We did. I read a fabulous mystery which I'll be talking about this week at some point. Time well spent. Hope you had a good day too.

  10. Thanks, Mark. Well, I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow - finally realized I had no choice. :)

  11. Hi Val and welcome to our little corner of the world. :) Thanks for following. Glad you like my page - I'll probably be changing it a bit when Spring and Summer finally show up. I tend to fiddle with the page during changes of season. :)

    Hope you'll join us whenever you can.


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