
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The latest...

As you can see I'm doing some beginning of the year design housekeeping - a work in progress. I'll be tinkering here and there. Not feeling well (sinus infection) so my posting may be sporadic for the next few days.

It could be worse. It could be the flu. I always try to look on the bright side.


  1. ....I thought I'd landed on the wrong blog....! Will be back later to see what else you've changed! ;-p

    Hope you're feeling much better very soon, Yvette!

    (Oh, and Happy New Year!)

  2. I love that ad, Yvette! So do you have catarrah? What is that anyway? You see it in the old medicine ads, but I never knew what it was! Hope you get to feeling better soon. (It's fun to redecorate the blog, isn't it? I love to do it!)

  3. Feel better soon, Yvette. I'm fighting a so-far losing battle against something that is kind of a wheezy to the doctor later in the week. Sinus infections are the pits.

  4. I hope you feel better soon! I had a cold last month, but was fortunate to shake it before Christmas Day.

  5. Hope you feel better soon, Yvette. I used to get sinus often till homoeopathy cured it completely.

  6. Thanks Sue, what would the new year be without changes around here? :)

  7. Thanks, Becky. Hercule Poirot always had the catarrh instead of just a plain cold.
    Just another way of saying sinus infection.

  8. Thanks, Les. I hope you feel better soon as well. I rarely get this sort of thing so I'm always surprised.

  9. Thanks, Mark. It's that time of year I suppose.

  10. Thanks, Prashant. Well, this is a rare event since I rarely get this sort of thing anymore. Oh well, it could be worse.

  11. Happy Good Health to you, Yvette, and for your sake, don't use the Breathe-o-Tol.

    Perhaps a little Wolfe/Goodwin humor will help knock those sinus bacteria on their backs.

  12. Dear Yvette,
    All my best wishes for a very good, healthy and

    May the flu will fly off quickly....:) and you can start strong!

    Take care, warmest greetings from the PĂ©rigord,

    "It is difficult not to believe that the next year will be better than the old one! And this illusion is not wrong. Future is always good, no matter what happens. It will always give us what we need and what we want in secret. It will always bless us with right gifts. Thus in a deeper sense our belief in the New Year cannot deceive us."
    Kersti Bergroth

  13. I'm down with the flu, so I feel your pain. That and I have chronic bronchitis, that I think is starting to flare up again. Hope you get better soon.

  14. BEST Wishes for a fabulous New Year. I like the Header on your blog. I too am running in circles.
    Calling friends, lunch appt,
    checking on sick neighbors. Then
    putting away all my Christmas stuff. Begging the plowman to come and plow the snow, so we can get to Mass.
    So Have a warm and cozy
    Sunday.. yvonne

  15. Forget Breathe-O-Tol! Theraflu is a miracle cure for anything that ails you. Try it if you haven't already. A very happy 2013 to you, my friend. Be Well (and get well soon)! I have little surprise for you, too. Go here to learn about it.

  16. Thanks, Kathy. Actually I'm better now and except for being rather tired of the whole thing, I'm determined to get back to normal. :)

  17. Merci, Karin. Thank you for the good wishes and that wonderful quote. A new year, a new beginning.

  18. Thanks, Ryan. I hope you're recovering nicely too. Not my favorite way to begin a new year, but as I like to say 'Hey, it could be worse.'

    Onward and upward. Feel better, kiddo.

  19. Thanks so much, Yvonne. Most of my Christmas stuff is still upstairs - haven't got the energy to deal with it right now. The house looks like a tornado went through it. Ha! Rocky doesn't seem to mind and I must learn not to mind. :)

    Happy New Year to you and your family, Yvonne. Sounds like you're off to a very busy start. :)

  20. Thanks, John - I am feeling better and glad to be back at the old command post. Not only was I feeling under the weather, but my computer was fussing about a download I studidly made over the weekend. Could not sign in to my blog until my daughter took care of the faux pas this morning.

    PS Thanks for the award, m'dear. :)


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