
Monday, December 31, 2012


Well, it's that end of the year thing come around once again. On the whole, it's better to still be here, than not. So, HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all and guess what I'll be doing?

I found out yesterday that Neflix is streaming THE WEST WING - All Seven Seasons!!! This is WEST WING heaven to me. Began watching last night and stayed up until 1:30 a.m.

I meant to begin the New Year with Jenn's New Year's Readaton over at her Picky Girl blog, but bowed out with regrets - the lure of THE WEST WING is just too strong.

Instead I'll be having a WEST WING Watch-A-Thon to welcome in the New Year. 

You're welcome to join in with me, if you like. (But be prepared to share the champagne since I forgot to buy a bottle. Got other goodies, though.)


  1. Enjoy TWW. I'm also a persistent watcher. I'm currently at the end of the season 3 for about the tenth time! x

  2. Happy New Year!

    Boy, this Netflix thing is starting to look good to me.

    I'm thinking of a "Perry Mason" marathon following Live at Lincoln Center or "The Thing from Another World". Chances are I'll kiss the hubby and fall asleep.

  3. Happy New Year, Yvette! The West Wing was one of my favorite shows, too.

  4. Happy New Year, Yvette! I loved the West Wing. I always enjoy watching the Twilight Zone 24 hour marathon on the SciFi station :)

    Hope 2013 will bring you and your family much happiness and good health!

  5. There are certain shows you just get hooked on and that's that. :)

    In my view THE WEST WING was the best drama ever on television though I know many don't agree.

  6. Caftan Woman, I am a champion of Netflix precisely because I can get to watch a whole bunch of stuff that I love from the past but also watch a whole bunch of stuff that I'd never get a chance to see otherwise - especially since I don't have cable anymore.

    Late last night I was watching NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH and loving it even more. :)

  7. Happy New Year to you as well, Mark. That show really had a special cast.

  8. Thanks, Pat! You are set for a great adventure. Happy New Year!

  9. Same back at you, kiddo. Happy New Year!

  10. Thanks, Fred. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  11. Happy New Year to you, Yvette, your family, Rocky and your blog commenters. Always a treat to come here and imbibe the words written.

    Wanted to say that everyone who has Netflix must watch (if they have it) the Nero Wolfe TV series with Maury Chaykin and Timothy Hutton.

    Watch a bit at a time. I overdosed on them and "Confound it, Archie," started to give me a headache. But I skipped one night and missed Archie and Nero, so I came back to it. (I may have to buy this series, confound it! Ptui!)

  12. Kathy D,

    Good advice. I overdosed on the Nero Wolfe show also. Timothy Hutton just drove me up the wall, especially with that silly ill-fitting hat in the early episodes.

  13. It's a harmless compulsion, Kathy.:) I overdosed on The West Wing - watching a batch of episodes every night.

    There's worse things we could be doing. Ha!

  14. Fred: Most modern men don't have 1940s hat heads. :)

  15. Yvette,


    "Most modern men don't have 1940s hat heads. :)"

  16. I mean, Fred, that they don't know how to wear the hats so the hats sit comfortably on their heads. :)


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