
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dave Brubeck R.I.P.

Jazz legend Dave Brubeck has passed away at the age of 91. Here's his and his quartet's most famous five or so minutes.Take Five composed by Paul Desmond. Enjoy.

My brother just reminded me that we actually saw the Quartet in concert at Hunter College many years ago. I always forget - what can I say? I got old lady memory.

The New York Times obit.


  1. Thanks for including the audio, Yvette — for people like me, who lived through the 50s and 60s, "Take Five" is part of the soundtrack to our lives.

  2. I totally agree, Mark. My brother would too. We grew up on this. First I owned the record, then I owned the tape, then I owned the CD and now I listen to it online. :)

  3. The first jazz albums I ever bought were by Dave Brubeck and Vince Guaraldi. It still sounded new to me as a kid of the 70s. All those time signature experiments and syncopation innovations, brilliant stuff.

  4. Two souls - one mind, Yvette!

    Just published a post today in memory of Dave Brubeck, a great musician who has enriched our life.

    Warmest greetings from the PĂ©rigord,

  5. John: In our family Dave Brubeck's TIME OUT was bought and worn out and bought and worn out over and over. IT sounds as fresh to me today as it did when I was a kid. Well, it's a classic and that's what classics do.

  6. Karin, I'll come over and check out your post. Thanks for stopping by.

    Yes, two souls one mind. :) Dave Brubeck was much loved.

  7. Yvette, my wife and I had the pleasure of seeing and hearing Brubeck play at Tanglewood a few years ago. He was in his mid-to-upper 80s then and needed a little help getting to the piano. But once he sat down and started playing, all that incredible artistry and talent just flowed out of his hands and over the audience. He was a brilliant performer, arranger and composer, and he will be sorely missed.

  8. I saw him too, Les, but ages ago when he was still a young man. Unfortunately, the event is lost in the mists of time which is my foggy memory. But my brother remembers and reminds me. :)

    And to think he was planning another concert to celebrate his 92nd birthday. What a man. What an artist. :)


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