
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Painting Wednesday

'Yuleltide Revels' by American realist painter William Glackens (1870 - 1938) is today's Christmas entry. I love the holiday hubbub, the exuberance in this work, one of several done in this particular busy illustrative style.

Glackens was a 'member' of the Ashcan School art movement and an illustrator. To read more about Glackens and his world, please use this link.


  1. Yvette,

    Great painting. Are you sure he's an American? That looks a lot like many illustrations I've seen for Dickens' Christmas stories.

  2. What a fabulous painting! I envy people who can paint like this.

  3. As American as apple pie, Fred. Glackens was born in Pennsylvania. Check out his work online, he used various techniques.

  4. I agree with you, Prashant. Oh, to be able to do this kind of work. :)

  5. Hi, Yvette - I think this painting is charming — it reminds me of images of the "Brownies!"

  6. Maybe, Mark. :) Glackens' illustration work (done mostly in pencil (or pen) and probably watercolor, though I'm not sure) is so much different from his painting that I sometimes have to double-check to make sure it is HIS work.

  7. That just looks like a lot of fun!


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