
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Painting Sunday: Merry Christmas and a BIG Thank You!

A moment in time to thank all my friends - blogging and blogg-less - who stop by to  leave a comment now and then, for having helped fashion another pleasurable year for me.

I'm not a mushy-gushy sort of person, but I hope you'll consider this the mushiest and gushiest THANK YOU ever.

Christmas is what we make it, so let's try to 'muddle through somehow and have ourselves a Merry little Christmas now...'

Today is the last post from yours truly until after Christmas day. The painting is by Jessie Wilcox Smith (1863 - 1935), the famed illustrator whose work is still treasured and loved by millions.



  1. Merci pour cette émouvante et touchante peinture , qu'il est doux d'admirer ce petit ange qui discrètement regarde sa mère décorer le sapin de Noêl !
    Joyeux Noêl que ces fêtes de fin d'année te soient très belles
    Meilleurs Voeux pour 2013

  2. Dear Yvette,

    Jessie Wilcox Smith is one of my favorite illustrators — she was a great master of composition, wasn't she?

    I'm wishing you and your family a merry Christmas, and all the best for 2013. I always enjoy visiting your blog (and particularly your great art days) and our exchange of comments. I look forward to many more in the new year!

  3. A very happy Christmas and prosperous and healthy new year.

  4. A merry Christmas to you too, Yvette, and a happy, healthy new year!

  5. Merci, Sacha! Joyeux Noel, m'ami.

  6. Thank you, Mark. I'm looking forward to more of your family art and collections post. I so enjoy reading about your eclectic interests. :)

    Hope you and your family have a Great Christmas and Happy New Year.

  7. Thank you, Anonymous. :) Same back at you.

  8. Thank you, Les. The same to you and your family.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Merry Christmas, Yvette! Here's wishing you good health, peace and happiness in 2013. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones.

    (I'm sorry I'd to delete the previous comment, Yvette. I got the year wrong.)

  11. Yvette, hope you have a very Merry Christmas and great New Year with good health, blogging, movies,food, art, family get-togethers -- and books!

    I am ensconced watching the Nero Wolfe TV episodes, year two. How simply delicious -- and hilarious.

  12. Thanks for a great year! Merry Christmas.

  13. Thank you, Prashant and the same to you and your family. I hope we'll all have some peace and happiness in the New Year.

    No apologies necessary.

    All is calm, all is bright. I'm going to see my granddaughter!

  14. Kathy, I'm going to get my hands on those episodes in the New Year - for sure!

    Thanks for the good wishes, m'dear. The same to you and your family.

    I wish there were a Christmas Nero Wolfe book though THE DOORBELL RANG (which I reread for the umpteenth time last week) takes place just after Christmas. But I can't think of any other.

  15. You're more than welcome, Peggy Ann. Thank you. Merry Christmas to you as well. :)

  16. You have the most beautiful blog on the Internet. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and many thanks.

  17. You brighten our lives all the time. Your posts are always wonderfuly written, which makes me jealous at times, and your blog is gorgeous. THANK YOU for keeping the blog going. I look forward to visiting you all the time.

    Merry Christmas!

  18. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Yvette. I always enjoy visiting your blog with its wonderful mix of writing about books and movies and all the lovely images you post--and I've especially enjoyed the last week and all the Christmas images. Thank you!

  19. Merry Christmas, Yvette. I enjoy visiting your blog and sharing thoughts and ideas and art with you and others. It's a broad and wonderful friendship that we all have.

    My very best for a wonderful New Year!

  20. Yvette--
    We should be thanking you! And I am, for another terrific year of blogging. My day isn't complete until I've checked in to see what's going on at your site.

    The happiest of holidays to you and yours.


  21. That is the best Christmas painting yet, Yvette. (Hmmm... the words yet and Yvette used together have a unique sound!) I just love it...

  22. Buon natate Yvette - hope you and yours have a very loving festive season.

  23. Anonymous: Thank you for the kind words, even if I don't know who you are.

  24. Thank you so much, Ryan - you know you're always welcome around here. :) Even when you beat me at Lexulous (or however it's spelled) which is most of the time. HA!

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  25. You're very welcome, Deb. I'm glad you enjoyed the daily Christmas paintings. It's great fun for me to search out the images I want to post without repeating myself each year.

    I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas too. Thank you.

  26. Thanks, Joan! Thanks to the internet, we have this large network of friends all around the world. Wonderful and yet a bit strange because most of us will never actually meet. But that doesn't stop us from feeling part of something wonderful.

    I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas too. Happy New Year coming right up - I hope. :)

  27. Thanks mjoy! I'm SO glad you've stuck around and check in now and then. I hope you and your family had a great Christmas too.

    Stay tuned for a very Happy New Year. :)

  28. Thanks Becky! I'm glad you liked it - it is a very special one, I agree. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas.

  29. Thank you, Sergio. And a Buon Natale to you and your family too, I hope you had a wonderful day. Here's to next year and more talk about films and books and whatever comes our way. :)


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